Chapter 4

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Just so you guys know I'm changing up the storey up a little but. I want it to be based off of romance not action. Their will be the occasional gun fight but it'll be mostly you pared with the different girls. So having said I'm also changing how your uniform looks as all operators aren't seen without theirs. Having said that let's get on with the story.

3rd person POV

It's been a few days since Y/N joined team rainbow and he's made a lot of friends. But the girls specifically seem to have taken a liking to him.

Right now he was having lunch in herfort base with Ash. They we're talking about some of the other operators.

" share a room with Caveira?!....." Ash said surprised he's still alive.

"Yeah but she didn't exactly give me a warm welcome....." he said gesturing to the bandages around him arm.

"You do know about her mental health?...." Ash brought up. "It's being determined weather or not she's capable of being a B.O.P.E officer...." he said as she happily fixed her shades and munched on her lunch.

"But I like her. She seems ok....." Y/N added.

"Y/N?..." Ash asked

"Yeah?..." he responded. "I never asked what unit are you from. I'm a FBI agent Cav is BOPE but what are you?...." she asked scooting over a little closer to him.

"I'm afraid I can't tell you that....." he said shrugging. "I'd have to kill ye....." he mocked with a smile.

"Your sounding a lot like Smoke...." he laughed. ((I'm using the operators code names becos it's easier for everyone))

"Anyway thanks for lunch Y/N....." Ash said as he lifted her shades and gave him a wink before watching away swinging her hips.

"Damn she's thicc....." Y/N said to himself.

"Who is?...."

Y/N jumped out of his seat to turn around to see I.Q standing behind him. "Jesus I.Q!....." he shouted as she burst into a laughing fit.

"It ain't funny!....." Y/N said holding his heart.

"Ahaha! Y/N ahahah y-you jumped so high!...." he said clinging onto him draping her arms around his neck.

I.Q was always a real flirt around Y/N which angered a lot of the other female operators on team rainbow.

"Come on!..." she said grabbing his hand dragging him to the armoury.

"We're getting you fitted for a uniform!..." she cooed happily.

"We?!...." Y/N answered confused. "Yeah Mira is helping us out.!...." she said.

Le time skip 10mins

Within a few minutes the two had poor Y/N stripped down to a pair of cargo shorts and no t-shirt.

Mira smirked and looked all around his muscular toned body. "Wow...." she said I thought Tachanka was ripped...." ((plays the Russian national anthem as I set up his turret and salute our lord)) IQ snickered as her and Mira were looking for something that would suit him.

"How about this?..." Mira said

" Mira said

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"Perfect!..." IQ exclaimed as in another few seconds Y/N was clothed in the suit and armour by the two girls.

"Wow this suit is perfect!..." he said hugging the two girls. They both blushed but IQ commented "I still think you look better with your clothes off....."

Y/N blushed as he kissed the side of his mask and walked off with Mira..

"Thicc....." Y/N said.

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