Chapter. 10

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Zofia POV

Pushing open the loading bay door, I'm met with my sister whom I was looking for locked lips with some new recruit! "WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH MY SISTER!!?" I started yelling. I'm fucking furious! It's hard enough trying to find a good suiter for my sister without her acting like a slut around the base. Storming over, Ela tryed to plead with me. "Sister please! Just leave me alone!  Y/N hasn't done anything wrong!".

Pushing my sister out of the way I grabbed the kid. "Ma'am, this is a complete misunderstanding, I have no ill intent-'THUMP'....."

3rd person POV

Zofia silenced Y/N with a swift hook that connected with the right side of his face, taking the hit Y/N locked eyes with the intimidating woman again. "ZOFIA STOP THIS!!!!" Ela screamed and pleaded.

Zofia winded her fist back before reconnecting with the same spot before letting him drop to the ground. Y/N felt blood trickle down his right eye, 'those punches sliced up my eye!' Y/N felt his heart pacing as zofia claimed on top of him before drawing her pistol and placing the barrel to his forehead. 'Only gonna spook the boy' she thought to herself grinning evily. Her train of thought was interrupted by a screaming panicking Ela gasping for air, Ela had begun having a minor panic attack and zofia loosened her grip on Y/N. "Ela i-" taking this as an opportunity, Y/N flipped zofia over before smacking her gun away and holding her in a chock hold. "Ma'am!! Please just stop, relax!!"   Y/N said as he felt Zofia loosen up on her struggle to escape.
Y/N finally letting go and quickly getting himself up and running to aid Ela who was leaving against the wall still gasping. "Shhhh Ela your OK I got you" he smiled while stroking her hair behind her ear. "Y-Y-Y/N.... A-Are you OK" she asked holding onto him. "Ela I'm fin-" Zofia pushed Y/N onto his back before aiding Ela herself. "Sister! Are you OK what happened to you?! I'll kill him!" Ela stumbled up before shouting "GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!! HOW DARE YOU!" Zofia flinched at her sisters harsh words. "I'm just protecting you from getting your heartbroken by people like him!"

Y/N picked himself up off the ground now viable angry. "Right fuck this!" he said turning his back and begening to walk away. "Y-Y/N where are you going" Y/N turned around, his eye brow still pumping blood.

"WHAT the fuck is this place, who the fuck is everyone here! I can't even share a special few moments with someone without something like this shit happening?! You can't be fucking serious if you think I'll spend time with anyone here if this is what's gonna happen?! I'm going to my dorm, fuuuuuck this..... ". Y/N picked up his helmet and stormed out of the loading bay.

Ela fell to her knees and looked at the ground as tears began to fall, she buried her face into hands before sobbing loadly, picking herself up she ran to her dorm leaving a shocked Zofia to herself.

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