Chapter. 12

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Y/N was currently getting ready for the Russian hosted party, after climbing out from the shower he got changed into a pair of tracksuit bottoms and a tight tank top, literally only because he looked ripped as fuck in it.

*knock* *knock*

"Come in!" he shouted sitting on his bed, A sorrowful looking zofia waltzed in awkwardly. 'What were the fucking chances' Y/N though as he balled his fists.

"And what could you possibly want?" he asked with no mercy. "Please
Y/N" she walked closer. "Ela has locked herself in her room and she won't speak to anyone, she's been crying for hours!" Zofia actually looked distressed, a change from her usual tough girl act.

Y/N quickly stud up, "And how the fuck is that my problem?! Need i remind you, I have absolutely no doubt in my mind this is all your fault"

Zofia felt rage build up in her again but quickly dispersed it in thought of her sister. "Y/N please! I'm worried!"
"And I couldn't care less! Tell your sister if she wants to speak with me she may find me at the Russian dorm, other then that, pull your fucking nose out from where it doesn't belong......" he said walking past her out his dorm.

Y/N walked with a smile on his face and a spring in his set, definitely an upgrade from how he felt earlier, truth be told he was excited about getting to drink as he hasn't in so long. He also wanted to shoot a shot with some of the girls and knew the drink would definitely make him do that.

Knocking on the dorm door he was greated by a happy looking tipsy Kapkan. "Y/N my friend!!! Please come, we've been waiting for you!" he said stepping aside and walcoming him in. "Thanks Kap, know where I can get a drink?" a split second after saying that Fuze flung a naggin of vodka at him, Y/N caught it and smiled. "Drink up Cyka!"

Taking a few sips felt like burning heaven, looking around he noticed some girls like Valkire, IQ, Ash, Finka and Hibana sitting with some SAS and GSG9 crew.

As soon as the girls seen him they called him over making room. Sitting down a tipsy Valkire laid her head on his shoulder. "I wassss waiting for you in the gym, it's OK though, you can make up for it later" she winked at him before shuffling closer.

'Really? That's the first thing that's said to me?........ Time to get fucked up and see where this goes!' he thought downing the vodka before beers were handed to him by a coked out bandit. "Thanks Bandit", he replied with a thumbs up and an eye twitch.

Sipping the beer he noticed the girls doing shots, then more then more..... Then more 'this can't be good' he thought as a slight buzz came to him.

A woman he has never seen around the base before matched over before seating herself down beside Y/N looking over she had dark black hair, pale green eyes, paleish skin and black lipstick. Almost gothish looking but extremely attractive.

The woman looked Y/N up and down before smirking and extending her hand. "Nokk" 'obviously her codename' he thought. He grasped her hand and shook it.

"What's a little cutie like you doing in an anti-terrorist unit?" She asked him,
Y/N didn't know weather to be offended or complimented. "What do you mean by that?" he asked raising an eyebrow. "Nothing bad, I'm sure your completely capable, just thought you'd be a modal or something" she flirted as Y/N's cheeks shifted to a bright red colour.

The other girls sitting around were giving Nokk death glares while she simply ignored them. In the centre of the room a fucked up bandit climbed on top of a table and shouted. "Let's get interesting!" he held up an empty beer bottle. "anyone playing spin the bottle get over here!"

Bandit, jager, lion, kapkan, fuze and buck sat down as all the girls followed suit, Y/N had no intention of joining before he was yanked into the circle by Nokk, he was sandwiched between Nokk and Zofia as Bandit spun the bottle and it landed kapkan."Truth or dare friend?" bandit asked, "Dare!" the drunken Russian responded. "punch jager"

"Wait wha-" jager was cut off by a Russian speed ball connecting with his face. "AAAGGHHRRR WHY ME BANDIT!" Bandit laughed while Kapkan spun the bottle and it landed on Finka. Kaplan smirked before looking at Y/N then back at finka, "Truth or dare comrade?" he asked. "Dare" she spoke confidently crossing her arms.

Ela just entered the party and joined the circle of operations sitting down across from Y/N. "Kiss Y/N" Kapkan laughed.

Finka dove straight in too a kiss with a surprised Y/N, she held him by the collar as their tongues fought for dominance, Finka won while also placing a hand near Y/N's crotch.

The two were parted by a jealous looking Ash who then smashed her lips into Y/N's, this time Y/N winning the dominance fight. After parting the whole room had eyes on what just happened.

"The fuck are you looking at??!" Ash shouted as everyone went back to what they were doing.

Sobbing was herd as Ela ran out of the room crying with make up streaming down her face, feeling horrible Y/N followed closely along.

Ela ran into her dorm and slammed the door, Y/N knocked." Ela..... Its me, I just want to talk"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2020 ⏰

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