broken omega Daniel x jack

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Jack's  pov

I sat alone in my small Room I was an omega I was treated like shit every day the I was beat and slightly starved I was only fed scraps. I was the only male omega female omegas were never treaded bad all they had to do was cooked clean and help with the pack kids I had to also do those things minus the kids part and I had to deal with beatings and being insulted daily. I heard banging on my door I heard someone yell "OMEGA GET YOU ASS DOWN TO THE KITCHEN IT'S TIME FOR BREAKFAST AND DON'T FUCK ANYTHING UP ITS THE ALPHAS BIRTHDAY" almost forgot about that he's turning 18.
When you turn 18 you find your mate around 10:00 pm I was 17 I got up and changed I only had a few outfits most were a bit torn up I put on a pair of ripped black skinny jeans and a white sweater I went downstairs. We were cooking the alphas favorite bacon, eggs, toast and ham when me and the other omegas were done we set the table one girl called everyone down. The female omegas sat down and ate with everyone else I left and sat next to the couch I wasn't aloud to sit on the couch. I waited for everyone to finish eating when I went over to the table someone pushed me down they laughed and went away I got up. I went over to the table I always had to clean the table I ate some bread crust and a few bits of slightly burnt bacon when I finished cleaning I went back to my room. I didn't want to stay out around people I didn't want to get hurt. I got on my old phone I didn't have friends but I did have games suprizeingly fun games god I love clash of clans shit.
I spent most of the day on my phone it wasn't needed for lunch I went downstairs I tried to grab an apple but that resulted in my getting a black eye and getting called a disgrace to this pack. I sat in my small bathroom I held a small razor in my hand on my 16th birthday I was given a gift by some of the top ranked pack members it was a pack of razors with a note attached that said kill yourself. I've never had a real birthday I sighed and moved the small blade against my wrist it hurt but I deserved the pain. I had four cuts on each wrist I made it even I wrapped my wrists with bandages I cleaned the blade and set it down on the side of my sink. I spent an hour starting at my ceiling the same thoughts entered my head your mate will rejected you your weak a disgrace your fat no one likes you I should be dead....... i heard a bang on my door and a shout "OMEGA TIME FOR THE ALPHAS BIRTHDAY CEREMONY TRY TO LOOK DECENT YOU PICE OF TRASH" I sighed and got up I fixed my hair and pulled my sweater sleeves down hiding my bandaged wrists. I left my room the entire pack was in the backyard I was in the back standing by the door ready to leave. It turned 10 the alpha started sniffing around your mate would smell like things you liked when you met them. He was heading towards the back I pulled my phone out I got a clash notification oh my clan started a war dam were fucked. I felt someone sniffing me I looked up from my phone the alpha was in front of me and sniffing me? He whispered "mate" everyone was silent. I spoke up "just hurry up and reject me I've been waiting for this day all my life I'm sorry for the inconvenience" he looked suprized he asked "why would I reject you? Your my mate".
I sighed and said "look you can do better I'm an omega pice of garbage now sorry but I need to go my clash of clans clan started war so I need to do that so bye". I turned around he grabbed my shoulder and spun me around I sighed and said "look you don't have to pretend to like me no one likes me so just let me die alone like I was born to do" I opened the door and went inside daniel followed me in he spoke "please I don't think your trash your perfect please I need you I love you" I rolled my eyes and said "come on just stop you look pathetic begging for a male omegas love come on your an alpha act like one no let me go contemplate suicide like a good omega" his eyes went wide. I ran upstairs to my room I sat on my bed I made sure to lock my door I got on my phone it heard a soft knock on my door I heard daniel "please let me in" I ignored him I fell asleep on my phone it woke up to the sound of knocking I heard daniel. He dose not have high standards "I made you breakfast" I sighed and said "I don't really eat sorry" I heard him speak "you need to eat I don't want you to stave" I rolled my eyes. I sighed and said "I've gotten used to starving now go away" I heard him say "I am your alpha and I demand you open your door right now or else". I smirked and asked "what will you do if I don't open my door?" He sttudered "I um...I w-will punish y-you" I sat up "how about you just kill me instead I only see good things happening from that you get rid of a pest and I bet it would be fun to dance on my grave if I even get one". I heard daniel speak he sounded scared "p-please d-dont talk like that" I sighed and got up I open my door daniel smiled he handed me a plate of waffles I took the plate and said "thank you Alpha" Daniel frowned and said "call me daniel" I shut my door. Ok that was rude I opened my door daniel smiled and asked "can I come in?" I shook my head no and shut my door. I sat on by bed I took a bite of the waffles they were ok kinda cold. After eating I went downstairs a was looking at my phone my plate in my other hand I bumped into someone I dropped my plate. The person pushed me and said "watch were your going you pice of shit I sighed I felt him punch me I stumbled back a bit I put a hand over my eye. I heard daniel yell in his alpha voice and holy shit that's intense "IF YOU HIT HIM AGAIN I WILL MURDER YOU" The guy ran daniel sighed I clapped and said "see now your acting like an alpha" Daniel sighed. He looked at me and said in his alpha voice "you will love me" I rolled my eyes and said "see you just sound creepy now go away I need to clean this up" I tried to walk away daniel grabbed my arm he yelled "HEY STELLA COULD YOU CLEAN UP THE BROKEN PLATE THAT'S OVER HERE" I heard a girl yell "SURE ALPHA" Daniel smiled and said "soooo what's your name" I shrugged and said "I mainly go by disgrace omega and pice of shit" Daniel sighed. Ok god dammit I'm beginning to think he actually loves me "Daniel" he smiled his eyes lit up great now I HAVE to say something nice umm "Could you carry me?" Daniel picked me up. I buried my head into his neck he started walking upstairs why am I tired? I nuzzled my head into his neck i had no clue were he was taking me. He took me into a room I relized he took me into his room it was so nice he set me down he took a step back. I sighed and said "come here you idiot" Daniel quickly got in bed he held me I felt him mess with my hair i felt myself slowly falling asleep. I woke up to someone shaking me i opened my eyes daniel was holding my arm he looked worried I looked at my arm I remember this morning I took the bandages off and just threw on a long sleeve. Daniel spoke "I want an explanation right now" I sighed and said "first of all my name is jack sorry I didn't tell you earlier and I was given razors on my 16th birthday and I finally gave in I guess I act like I don't care but sadly I do every word hurts I've gotten used to the physical pain I never got used to the emotional pain sadly it starts getting to you after awhile I'm just the pack outcast I never feel like I belong here and yea to make a short story short everyone hates me I hate myself and I don't want to get attached to you because I'm afraid you'll get bored of me one day". Daniel had tears in his eyes I sighed and said "I'll go if you want you don't have to try to fix me I'm to far gone daniel pulled me into a hug I was surprised he whispered "I will help you no one will hurt you ever again I promise" I started crying. Daniel held me tighter I sobed into his shoulder I pulled my head back and asked
"w-why me why dose no one like
m-me w-why?" Daniel rubbed my back and said "their just idiots that can't handle something different" after awhile I stoped crying. I looked at daniel and asked "what time is it?" He looked over at his clock "2:23" I thought for a minute then asked "should I be hungry?" Daniel sighed and said "yea all you've had today has some waffles you should be hungry" oh. Daniel got up he picked me up bridal style he took me downstairs their was alot of people I whispered "set me down I can't look weak in front of everyone" Daniel sighed and said "jack your ok don't worry" i looked around alot of people were looking at me my breathing got faster. We got into the kitchen alot of the omegas were cleaning daniel had me sit at the table he asked one of the omegas to make me a sandwich and chips. Daniel had to leave for a minute some of the omegas were looking at me some of the normal pack members were also looking at me I hated the silence. I felt a tear roll down my face no one spoke all eyes were on my I was slightly freaking out no be strong keep a stright face keep a stright face don't freak out please.... I let out a quite sob I started crying I heard someone say "oh shit" I curled up in my chair. I felt everyone's eyes on me I yelled "PLEASE STOP LOOKING AT ME JUST STOP" I whispered "I can't take this silence" the girl that was making my sandwich set it down in front of me on a plate. I probably looked so pathetic crying over people just stareing at me arnt I just the best. I heard daniel yell "WHO THE FUCK HURT HIM" Oh God no why one of the men spoke "we were just lookin at him theirs something wrong with that thing" I heard a loud slap I flinched I felt a hand in my back. I looked up daniel smiled and said "come on eat your sandwich" people finely started talking again no one was staring at me I took a bite of my sandwich.

It took a few months for jack to finally be ok daniel helped him whenever he cried or panicked when jack finally got better he made some friends one day when daniel and jack were running through the forest in wolf form daniel made them stop at a water fall daniel shifted and proposed to jack he said yes they have been ruling the blood moon pack together ever since.

Side note feel free to request ships and what kind of story like fluff smut or pure depression stuff like that

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