opposites attract (jonah x daniel)

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Ok this is set in a world were people are born with one special power and people that have powers that are opposite don't tend to get along.

Daniel's pov

I walked through the forest I smiled and sat down I could control nature. I made a few pink flowers grow I started working on a flower crown I smiled as I made it. I could hear the the wind blowing the branches off the trees it was peaceful the forest was so relaxing. I finished my flower crown it looked cute I put it on I sat agenst a big tree I closed my eyes listening to the tress moving from the wind I could faintly hear water running I knew their was a water fall near here I've never went their. After a few minutes I got up I followed the sound of water I saw someone sitting at the top of the water fall they were on a big Rock. I sat behind a tree I didn't want to bother them suddenly the water stoped I peeked my head out from the side of the tree the small waterfall was completely frozen the boy was standing in the middle of it. He had blondish hair definitely dyed blonde he was probably a bit taller than me I looked over to wear he was looking. He was looking at a tall boy with brown hair the fake blond spoke "oh hey jonah have you seen zach?" Jonah spoke "hey Corbyn thanks for the warm welcome your boyfriend should be here soon don't worry you'll get to see your precious love soon" Corbyn rolled his eyes. Jonah spoke "might want to unfreeze the waterfall zach loves messing with it" Corbyn walked off the ice the water unfreezed. I I heard foot steps behind me I turned around I saw a short boy with brown hair we was wearing a blue sweater and black skinny jeans he smiled and said "hi I'm zach!" I smiled and said "I'm daniel nice to meet you" zach looked excited he asked "what's brings you to the water fall?" I shrugged and said "it's relaxing to listen to it I'm not just here for the waterfall I mainly came for the forest but this is a bonus" I heard Corbyn yell "ZACH" zach smiled. He asked me "wanna come meet my friends it'll be fun" I smiled and said "I'm not really that social I don't want to intrude on your guy's together" zach spoke "it's fine trust me" zach pulled on my arm he pulled me over to Corbyn and jonah. Jonah asked "what's your name?" I spoke "hi I'm daniel what's your name?" Don't want to seem creepy it be weird to just be like hey already know your name watched your conversation learned it.  Jonah spoke "I'm jonah that's Corbyn" he pointed at Corbyn he pointed at zach and said "that's zach don't mess with him he's dating Corbyn and Corbyn will kill you if you even scratch zach" good to know.

1 hour later

We were all sitting in the forest we moved away from the water fall I was making zach a blue flower crown jonah spoke "let's play truth or dare" nope. I spoke "what are you ten?" Zach spoke "it's could be fun come on I'll start Corbyn truth or dare" I sighed were doing this i guess. Corbyn spoke "dare" zach smirked and said "i dare you to take your shirt off" Corbyn rolled his eyes he took his shirt off. Corbyn spoke "if you wanted to see me shirtless you could have asked babe" zach blushed Corbyn asked "so daniel truth or dare" I sttudered "t-truth since you
d-don't really k-know me j-just ask me a q-question" Corbyn smirked and said "are you gay?" I blushed and said "y-yea" zach laughed and said "welcome to the club were all gay" I smiled. I asked "jonah truth or dare?" He smirked and said "dare baby" I blushed and said "u-umm you h-have to........show me your powers?" Jonah chuckled and said "sure cupcake" he stood up fire appeared around his hands he burned a bit of a tree branch. It little on fire I curled up I hated fire I whimpered zach spoke "jonah stop" I  looked up the tree was burnt I whimpered. Jonah asked "you don't like fire?" I got in went over to the tree I didn't get to close to jonah he frowned. I put my hand on the tree I closed my eyes a calm feeling washed over me. When I opened my arms the tree was fine jonah spoke "oh I'm sorry I didn't know i-" I cut him off "just don't destroy nature around me it's not fun to watch something you have a deep bond with get destroyed I bet you wouldn't be thrilled to see a fire being put out" jonah was silent. He finally spoke "I'm never sad to see a fire being put out I guess you have a deeper connection with the element you control" I sighed and said "let's get back to truth or dare"

why don't we boyxboy one shots Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora