the performer

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Zach's pov

I ran a hand threw my hair i sighed the guy teaching me spoke "zach try harder" I was thirteen years old. I had been doing dance for most my life it was all I knew my parents always told me I could do better. I wasn't taught with kids around my age due to my 'talent' I was taught with high-schoolers. The music started playing again I took it from the top clearly exhausted my moves getting sloppy. The dance teacher groaned I stopped he went over to the speakers he turned everything off. I frowned I was heavily panting my teacher spoke "I swear i should have you moved back down to your age group" my eyes went wide. I quickly spoke "no! I'll do better I swear" my teacher sighed he turned the music back on I went back to dancing I watched myself in the large mirror. Everything hurt but I had to do better since

I was clearly never good enough 

Age 15

I dropped to my knees music still playing I gripped my stomach I felt a tear fall from my face. I heard my dance teacher aoora ask "zach you ok" i gritted my teeth. I spoke "y-yea just slipped" I stood up I looked at aoora he was new to teaching but he was good he was twenty-three. Aoora frowned I spoke "can you restart the music I could do better" aoora spoke "you need a break" I sighed. I spoke "no I don't I'm fine if you need a break take a break that's fine but I'm ok" aoora sighed and shook his head no. Aoora spoke "zach you need to take breaks it's not healthy to work with no rest" I chuckled "why rest when your not tired it's pointless!" I laughed. I looked away from aoora he spoke "zach I've been teaching you for three months and you've only taken a break once and it was beacuse you actually passed out" I rolled my eyes. I went over to the speakers I went to restart the song aoora spoke "zach stop" I rolled my eyes I went to press restart aoora grabbed my wrist. I looked at aoora "zach im going home meaning the session is over so you have to go home" I sighed "ok" i packed up all my stuff. I put my backpack on I left the small studio I started walking. I always walked home I had to keep in shape it was a two mile walk home. My legs were already sore from practice but I ignored the pain like I always do. You can't be perfect without pain if you want to be the best you have to go through hell At least that's what I've learned. When I finally made it home my mom asked "why are you early?" I quickly spoke "aoora had to go home his boyfriend wasn't feeling well" lie he was concerned so he left so I would stop trying to better myself. My mom scoffed "dam gay koreans always being fucking adorable" I rolled my eyes and chuckled. My mom spoke "I swear it's like those two are trying to be the cutest couple in town" I smiled. I spoke "I don't think their trying but they are succeeding" my mom laughed. I went upstairs to my room I took my shirt off I went to grab a new one I looked in my full body mirror I looked at myself. I sighed god I need to lose some weight I was a bit chubby if your gonna be the best  you have to be thin that's one of the main thing that matters. I quickly grabbed a new shirt and put it on not wanting to see my ugly body more. I flopped down onto my bed I stared at the ceiling I sighed "I need to do better"


I panted as we finished practice I looked at jonah he was heavily panting. The choreographer edward spoke "ok good but jonah you need to have a more serious face ok you need to control your breathing more especially since you need to do this while singing". Edward turned to me "zach your perfect seriously your the best I've ever worked with" I smiled. I was working with a singer as a backup dancer there was another guy but he was sick. Edward spoke "ok let's take a ten minute break then do it one more time" me and jonah nodded. I didn't want to take a break but edward and Jonah looked tired so I didn't complain. I might have been tired I wasn't sure I've missed so much sleep I think my body is used to almost no sleep. I sat next to edward he spoke "don't overwork yourself I know you zach aooras told me all about you" I sighed I'm fine. Edward got his phone out I looked at jonah I had a small crush on him I mean how could you not look at him. Jonah had on a slightly tight black tank top and black pants I had on a big tee-shirt and black skinny jeans. I always wore big shirts to hide my stomach I hate how people call me skinny it's a clear Lie. I got my phone out I had a text I sighed

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