teaching him

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Zach's pov

I felt me ears lower as my new master kept asking questions I didn't understand I only understood basic phrase. Daniel frowned I meowed I could only make cat sounds I was never taught English.
Daniel got up he started pacing around I whimpered he looked down at me I was on the couch. Daniel spoke "English?" My ears perked up I knew the word it was the language people speak I shook my head. Daniel spoke "how much" I thought for a minute I just shrugged daniel kept trying "hi" I waved. He kept going "how are you?" I reminded still "ok how about treat?" I meowed getting excited treats! Treats good they show I'm good boy. Daniel spoke I had no clue what was saying but I went with it "I'm gonna teach you English zach I got this" Daniel sat back down. He spoke "cuddled" I tilted my head daniel pulled me over to him he wrapped his arms around me. I felt safe and calm this is cuddled? I meowed daniel spoke "treat?" I perked up daniel spoke slowly
"t-r-e-a-t" I spoke "t-treat" Daniel smiled. He let go of me he got up and left her quickly came back with a box I smiled not knowing what it was it looked nice though. Daniel dug his hand it it he pulled out some little circle things he spoke "cheerios" I quickly repeated "cherio" Daniel put some back there was less in his hand now. He held his hand out I ate from his hand they tasted really good Daniel's face looked red master sick?
I whimpered daniel got me another handful of cheerios I quickly ate them. Daniel asked "ok zach what are cheerios" I thought for a second I spoke "treats!" Daniel popped one in my mouth. I giggled daniel spoke "ok cheerios are food" i looked at the box I pointed at it "treat is food" Daniel smiled shaking his head yes i got more food.

Few days later

I sat on the couch daniel had a bag of marshmallows he spoke "what  are we doing?" I spoke "test see what learn" Daniel threw a marshmallow I caught it in my mouth. They were not that big they tasted so good "ok how are you?" I spoke "I'm god" Daniel started laughing I tilted my head he asked "ok so your god?" I shook my head "yes good" Daniel threw half a marshmallow. "Ok zach what are the meals in a day" I KNOW THIS "breakfast dinner luch" Daniel frowned I corrected myself
"Breakfast lunch then dinner" I was thrown a marshmallow. Daniel asked "here's a bonus you probably won't know, d-do you love me?" I spoke "I love master yes!" Daniel blushed I was given two marshmallows.

A Year later

I sighed flicking through the TV I found a educational channel daniel was at work. When he was gone I studied English I even taught myself basic math I wanted to suprise him today. I was gonna speak a fluent sentence I'll try not to stutter or mess up. I want to make him happy I repeated "Daniel I love you so much you mean the world to me" I was scared of messing up. I had been learning for a year now daniel thinks I still can't form real sentences by myself. But over time I've spent countless sleepless nights learning I even learn some big words smart people use. I heard the door open I quickly got up daniel walked in I hugged him daniel held me. When daniel pulled away I spoke "daniel I love you so much you mean the world to me just thank you for everything" Daniel's eyes went wide. He hugged me "oh zach good boy" he started petting me I kissed his cheek something I learned from him. He called it affection I learned alot about it for him he sometimes used kisses as treats they were the best treats ever. Daniel spoke "how did you do that?" I shrugged "alot of studying I used the laptop" Daniel spoke "computer or laptop" I spoke "laptop I cleared the history" Daniel chuckled. "You sneaky little-" I cut him off "bitch" Daniel's eyes went wide "I learned bad words too sorry it was an accident it was on a website looked cool" Daniel chuckled. I spoke "you have the mouth of a sailor" Daniel blushed "um yea sorry I thought it was fine to curse around you beacuse you didn't understand" I slightly growled. Daniel took a step away "your lucky I didn't repeat things like fuck and shit and the occasional oh fuck me daddy coming from your room" Daniel's face went scarlet red.
I asked "what dose oh fuck me daddy mean?" Daniel stuttered "Umm don't worry about it" I'll Google it later.

Few days later

My eyes went wide I immediately shut the laptop is made the grave mistake of searching what oh fuck me daddy ment. I was know wondering was daniel sneaking someone in to have sex or is he using a toy. I kinda learned alot about sex I probably shouldn't have Googeled so much. I heard daniel yell "ZACH DINNER" I quickly got up I went to the kitchen two plates on the tabel. One thing I immediately noticed daniel had a boner I tried to ignore that I sat down I started eating. I finished a little before daniel I asked "can I have more steak?" Daniel asked "why do you deserve more?" I sighed getting extra food was a treat. I quickly got an idea here goes nothing I moved my chair back I went under the table I pushed Daniel's legs apart I gently Palmed him daniel gasped. I unbuttoned his pants I moved them down along with his boxers I moved them down just enough to be able to get his dick out. I started giving him a hand job daniel threw his head back he moaned I blushed a little daniel spoke "z-zach wh-what! are you doing?" It's obvious. I spoke "well I'm about to blow you so that's what I'm doing" I took his dick into my mouth i gagged a little he was big. I bobbed my head up and down swirling my toung around daniel thrusted into my mouth. His dick immediately hit the back of my throat I tried not to gag I coughed a little but I kept going daniel started thrusting into my mouth i whimpered I put a hand on his leg. I held it trying to distract myself he hit the back of my throat again I squeaked and held his leg tighter. After a few minutes he cumed in my mouth i swallowed I was panting I got out from under the tabel. Daniel moved probably pulling his pants up he spoke "y-you can go get m-more" I smiled I grabbed my plate i grabbed a pice of steak I sat down I cut it up quickly and ate a pice I smiled I love steak. Daniel put his head on his hand arms on the tabel I spoke "oh come on your acting like you killed someone all I did was give you a blow job" Daniel blushed he went to say something but immediately stoped himself. I rolled my eyes I put another pice of steak in my mouth i spoke mouth full "I loev yof " I swallowed I spoke again "sorry I said I love you" Daniel blushed and smiled

New book out now called controling the wolf hope you enjoy

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