hooked final

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Jonah x Zach
Small Continuation of pt 2

"I know that I shouldn't touch but you twist my arm
'Cause I can never get enough once the feeling start"

Jonahs pov

I chuckled as Zach danced around my room we've been hanging out together alot. We really shouldn't but I think we both love the danger of are 'relationship' we aren't technically dating but we're definitely not friends. I'm almost one hundred percent sure friends don't have casual make out sessions. I chuckled as Zach started singing along to the song that was playing from my speakers. Zach tugged on my hand making me get off my bed I slightly danced with him I chuckled as he tripped I caught him he busted out laughing I kept a secure hold on him. I pulled him up and kissed him he kissed back wrapping his arms around me I whispered
"I shouldn't touch but fuck your so hot" I saw Zach smirk. I slightly nuzzeled are noses together Zach giggled I picked him up he squeaked I spun him around both of us were laughing. I heard my phone go off I grabbed it Zach tried to stop me I grabbed the phone shit wrong phone Zach answered his phone. After a few minutes Zach groaned "for fuck sake jack can I ever get a day off" there was a long pause "dude I don't get into that shit thats your problem" I saw Zach roll his eyes he randomly hung up. I asked "what was that about?" Zach groaned "jack wanted help with some drug related stuff I just Handel stealth missions and gun related stuff". I chuckled "I sometimes forget your a ruthless killer" Zach kissed my cheek "same" I hugged Zach. I spoke "I love you" Zach Chuckled "I love you to" I smiled I kissed the top of Zach's head .

Corbyn x jonah
Inspired by Detroit become human

You got me under your influence
I swear I'm never gonna give you up

Corbyns pov

I sighed as I looked at the time it was two AM and jonah still wasn't home I looked down at me hands. I was sat on the couch in the living room I messed with my hands switching the skin on and off switching between human and Android. Jonah was the whole reason I became a deviant he was apart of a group of deviants that are fighting for Android rights. I hated waiting for him to come home beacuse the longer I wait the more I think he's dead which is always going to be a high chance. I got up from the couch I heard the house phone going off I quickly ran over to the nearest phone and answered the call. I sighed when I heard Daniel "hey Man I need your help" I rolled my eyes "what do I need to do" Daniel spoke "I need you at Jericho to help some hurt Android's" . I spoke "dude it's past curfew I can't go outside I'll get scanned and they'll kill me" Daniel sighed. I heard some moving around I heard jonah "babe we really need another medic I know your good with medical related stuff come on please". I was a bit concerned when jonah spoke his voice sounded rough and strained. I spoke "on my way" I hung up I went to my room I changed into an all black outfit I had a hoodie on under that there was a bright blue long sleeve shirt. I went to the front door I grabbed the gun that was under the couch it was sleek black pistol I put it in my back pocket. I left the house I took a careful look around the area was almost pitch black I walked down the sidewalk. I sighed when I got into the main part of town I saw many cops walking around drones flying around the street. I hid in an ally as a cop walked by I quickly ran to the next ally I pulled up a map on my hand I wasn't far from Jericho. I quickly Sprinted to the next ally I froze when I heard a cop shout at me I quickly changed my eyes making them both blue instead of having one green and one that blue and made the roots of my hair slightly brown so my snow white hair looked a little more human. I took my hood down it's a good thing jonah ripped out my LED I spoke "hi officer what's the problem?" He spoke "it is way past curfew". I smiled "sorry sir I was at a friend's house and kinda had to leave since him and his girlfriend were getting a bit ya know" the cop chuckled. He spoke "ok that's understandable but I just need to quickly scan you to make sure your not an Android I have to do this to everyone". I shook my head yes he took a scanner out from a holster on his belt I gulped I tried to hack it he scanned me. The small device beeped my eyes went wide the cop was silent he spoke "go along sir". I slowly walked by him he whispered to me "please be careful" I nodded my head. I looked around when I saw there was no other cops I ran into an ally everything slowed down as I preconstructed a path. I jumped up onto a dumpster I hopped up I grabbed onto the ledge of the building I pulled myself up. I jumped from building to building I ended up in a run down area I ran through the rubbel. I stopped when I made it to the dock I saw the ship I sighed I stopped running I walked up to the ship I spotted a way in. I went in I saw many Android's sitting around some standing and walking around. I felt a hand on my shoulder I turned around I saw Daniel he spoke "come on the injured are on the lower level" I followed Daniel. I didn't know the ship layout that well since this is only my second time here. I saw many wounded Androids I was helping with the people that were in decent condition helping those that mostly just had one or two bullet wounds. My eyes went wide when I saw jonah he was covered in blue blood I ran over to him. I crouched down in front of him he smiled "h-hey babe" I spoke "your a fucking idiot" jonah chuckled "yep" he had three bullet wounds two barley missing mager components. I sighed "I'll go get some blue blood I'll get jack to close up the holes" I got up.

The next day

I groaned when I felt someone shaking me I slowly opened my eyes I saw jonah he smiled. I whined "cuddle" jonah chuckled "I swear you act just like a human you seem like your actually tired" I sighed "my programs arnt fully on yet". Jonah spoke "I love you" I spoke "love you two ya big idiot" I sat up jonah asked "you want to come with me to Jericho?" I sighed "your going this early" jonah let out a nervous chuckle.
I asked "what time is it" jonah spoke "it's one in the afternoon" I spoke my voice soft "when did I tell you to get me up Jo" jonah blushed "seven". I had decided to go into a deep shut off last night so my systems could have some cool down time. I trusted jonah would turn me back on which he did just not at a good time. I spoke "could you lean down a bit" jonah leaned down I spoke "closer" jonah moved his head his face close to mine I spoke "I scared you didn't I" jonah moved back "dammit" I chuckled. Jonah always got super worried when I was even a little mad at him I got up from the bed. I spoke "turn around I need to change" jonah rolled his eyes and turned I went over to the closet I grabbed one of Jonahs grey hoodies. I took off my shirt I already knew jonah was looking at me I asked "what never seen an rk700?". I chuckled at jonahs silence I put on his hoodie I went over to the dresser I got a pair of ripped light blue jeans I quickly changed into them. I spoke "come on let's go I wouldn't be surprised if today is similar to yesterday". Jonah put an arm around me we left the house we stayed close together I'm glad jonah found me. 


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The edits suck sorry I took corbyns out since it looked horrible

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The edits suck sorry I took corbyns out since it looked horrible

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