Corbyn x jonah depression

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So in kidnapped their is a bit were it is revealed Corbyn has depression and I don't think I can make a book for him so I'll make a one shot now this is set when Corbyns I guess he would be mabe 16 jonah would be 17 so let's get started

Corbyn's pov

I sat alone in my bathroom jonah was out of the house we've been living out here for mabe three months we ran an online clothing shop it was doing really well. Me and jonah dicided to live on are own since we could support are selves beacuse of the shop we had a house built in a forest it wasn't to far out we didn't want to live in a busy area. I cleaned my wrist I made a few cuts I made sure they were even if bandaged my wrists I pulled my sleeves down I wiped the tears from my eyes. I left my bathroom I sat down on my bed I sighed I was hungry of course your hungry you pig. I curled up a bit I got under the covers I closed my eyes  I heard my door open I heard jonah speak "hey corbear I got you something" I opened my eyes I saw jonah he had his black sweater on and pants he was holding a milkshake. I sat up I smiled and took it jonah smiled and said "it's your favorite" I took a sip your going to gain so much weight I spoke "you know me so well" you only see the good bits of me. Jonah hugged me and said "I'm gonna quickly talk to the shirt company they were having shirt size problems it's just a short phone call" jonah left please don't leave me. I sipped my milkshake i licked a bit of the frosting off the top of my milkshake i felt a bit get on my nose dammit i don't have a napkin.  After a few minutes jonah came back in I was sipping my milkshake jonah smirked jonah Leaned down I blushed he licked the wiped cream off my nose. Jonah laughed i rolled my eyes jonah sat next to me he sighed and said "so my friend jack creative guy smart one too he's interested in working with us" I shrugged "Could he send me design ideas or financial shit?" Jonah laughed.

And week later

I sat outside in a white sleeve shirt it was hot out jonah was sitting next to me. Jonah spoke "hey do you want to change its hot out" I smiled and said "I'm fine" that's a complete lie. Jonah sighed and said "ok" jonah put an arm around me and said "life's crazy" I smiled. Jonah kissed the top of my head he could never love me jonah smiled and said "so wanna go swimming?" I frowned "no I don't feel like swimming" jonah frowned. Great he's sad now good job Corbyn jonah spoke "Could you keep me company as I swim?" I smiled and said "of course!"

One hour later

I sat in my bathroom I made three cuts on each wrist I bandaged everything up. I got up I put my razor up I was tired after that I flopped down onto my bed I got under the covers and curled up I was half asleep I heard my door open I heard jonah "you awake?" I whined. I felt something being placed near my head I didn't open my eyes I grabbed it it was soft. I pulled the thing to my chest it was a teddy bear I smiled jonah awwed he left I feel asleep.

One week later

I whimpered as I finished cutting my wrists I looked pathetic I heard jonah knock on the door I quickly got up I yelled "ONE M-INUTE" god dammit why I heard jonah ask "hey you ok corbear?" I didn't say anything I cleaned my wrists I opened my cabinet I reached for the bandages my hand slipped I accidentally knocked down my box of razors. God dammit you fat pice of shit razors went everywhere jonah was banging on the door he yelled "CORBYN ARE YOU OK?" I started panicking more. I was having a panic attack I fell down I covered my mouth i was covered in my own blood I was freaking out I scooted over to the door I unlocked it jonah came in he covered his mouth I could tell he was disappointed he grabbed the bandages out of the cabinet he cleaned and bandaged me up he took my shirt off he asked"why Corbyn? Why would you do something like this" I started crying again jonah sat down and hugged me and whispered to me "please don't cry shh it's ok everything is fine you don't have to talk about it yet". I frowned and said "I'm so sorry jonah" he held me tighter and said "don't apologize to me come on can you get up?" I slowly got up stumbling a bit I was weak from blood loss jonah picked me up bridal style and placed me on my bed he was about to go back into the bathroom I whimpered he sighed he took off his black sweater he put it on me it was a bit big on me he smiled and said "it's like a safety sweater if I'm out of the house and you miss me you can wear it and it's like I'm their" I smiled jonah kissed me he went to go clean the bathroom.  

Two weeks later

I sat in the backyard in jonah's black sweater I was talking to jack "so moving might be a little difficult but hey worth it" jack smiled and said "why do you live in the forest?" I shrugged. Jack put an arm around me and said "so what should I expect at this house?" I smiled and said "jonah will kill you if your rude to me" jack laughed and said "are you serious?" I shrugged and said "he's protective" me and jack spent the day talking it was the middle of the day jonah came outside he didn't say anything he picked me up he took me over to the door he set me down jack got up and walked over to us jonah spoke "you've been out in the sun for a long time your probably hot want me to get you water?" Jack laughed. I sighed and said "I'd like a water" jonah went inside jack spoke "you two must be dating" I blushed and said "nope" jonah came back outside with a water bottle I took it jonah asked "ok you have everything?" I smiled and said "yes" jonah went back inside before he closed the door though he said "I'm checking on you again in an hour or two I rolled my eyes. Jack laughed and said "I bet if you asked him out he would say yes" I blushed and said "he doset like me like that" jack smirked and said "you like him" I looked down. I smirked and said "if you keep talking about this I'll get jonah out here and he will be mad" jack smirked and said "you just want jonah out here again" I growled. Me and jack kept talking jack went back inside I wanted to see if jonah would actually check on me. After like half an hour jonah came outside he picked me up I wrapped my legs around his waist I buried my head into his neck. Jonah spoke "your coming inside I made you a sandwich I also got you a cookie" I smiled. Jonah took me inside I saw jack on the couch he smirked and said "you guys are adorable" i whined jack cooed I looked away. I heard jonah growl I smiled and said "your really protective" jonah smiled attend said "only over you" jonah set me down on the counter he handed me a plate with a sandwich and cookie. Jonah left the kitchen I wanted him to stay I mumbled "love you" i heard jack whisper "I bet he loves you to" I looked up I saw jack he was holding up a phone my eyes went wide. I chased jack around the house jonah came downstairs jack yelled "WATCH THIS" jack handed him his phone. I tried to grab the phone from jonah he picked me up he placed me on his hip ok yea I really need to get to a healthy weight he shouldn't be able to do this. Jonah watched the video he smiled I blushed jonah gave jack his phone back he moved me so me legs we around his waist he kissed me.
I smiled I heard jack say "if you guys fuck be quite" no promises.

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