the new order

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Hey sorry if this is a bit shitty, I've been trying to write for awhile but I just can't seem to get back into writing like normal but I really wanted to get something out.

Jonah's pov

I could feel a horrible burn in my lungs as I ran, I've been running for what felt like hours. The people behind me just wouldn't give up. It's times like this I Wish would have been born with a speed ability or teleportation. I didn't want to fight anyone, I've always hated violence.

Violence seems to love me though, I can never get away from it. People have hated me since the day I discovered I had abilities. People have always hated those born with abilities. We are constantly labeled as the 'violent' and 'unstable' ones.

But we aren't the ones hunting other humans for no reason. I gasped when I suddenly fell forward, my foot must have gotten caught on something. I could already hear the sounds of guns clicking. I wasn't ready to die.

But luckily fate was on my side, the sudden screams behind me told me those people trying to kill me were probably dying. I slowly moved so I was sat up and facing the bloodbath behind me. Bloody ice spikes littered the ground, the people chasing me had been completely ripped up by these Violent spikes.

Stood in the middle of everything was a thin boy. His eyes were a frosty blue color, I could see frost still coming off his hands. I was suprised by my savior, I would never expect such a young looking guy to kill so ruthlessly.  I also never thought ice could be so deadly.

"Are you okay?" His voice was much softer than I expected, he sounded genuinely worried. "Yeah,yeah I'm fine, just a little scratched up". The thin brunette came over to me and helped me got up.

Luckily I didn't twist my ankle but it was still sore. "I'm Daniel, I have ice abilities as you can see" Daniel gestured to the mess of ice and blood behind him. He was completely unfazed by the Gore this must be something he has to do more often than a person ever should.

"Based on the fact those people were chasing you I'm guessing you have an ability?" I quickly nodded my head. I brought my hand up letting electricity flow between my fingertips. Daniel seemed interested in my little show of electricity, I've always loved playing with electricity, it makes for a good light show.

Daniel chuckled "wow, I Don't think I've ever met someone with an electricity ability before". I kept my little light show going, letting electricity flow between my hands, the light from it changing between different shades of yellow and orange. "I guess electricity is a bit rare" Daniel nodded his head, still entranced by the show I was putting on for him.

"Do you have a place to stay?" Daniel seemed to break out of his daze and got serious again. Those guys chasing me had actually broken into my home since my neighbors had believed I had an ability so it definitely wasn't safe to go back home. "not anymore" Daniel gave me a sad smile "you can come stay with me and my group if you'd like".

In most situations I would say no, it's dangerous to stay with people you don't know. But he saved my life, and he also has an ability. People with abilities always stick together since no one else accepts us. "If I wouldn't be a burden than yes, I'd like to stay with your group".

I've never seen a group of people with abilities before, I always hear about groups being discovered and killed but I've never seen what these groups are actually like. I've always liked to live alone and keep myself out of the view of others, but I guess that wasn't a possibility anymore.

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