attention (zach centric)

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This book was inspired by seaveyscello please check out all their books they are a very good writer and I'm so happy they were fine with me using their idea,
Small warning this is ridiculously long I got really into this one
Let's get started

Zach's pov

I sighed as I looked at the building of my new highschool my mom got a new job at this office so we had to move. I was wearing a simple outfit a black sweater and jeans I didn't want to grab Much attention. I always hated when I was the center of attention it was weird I walked into the large building I sighed. I was already lost and I had only taken two steps into the building I looked around I needed to fined the front office. I walked down the busy hall bumping into a few people I blushed when someone glared at. I sped up my pace looking around I saw a door with a sign next to it that said 'office'. I quickly went over to the door I bumped into a tall person I almost fell the person wrapped and arm around me. I looked up at them it was a guy his eyes light blue I blushed he helped me stand straight. I stuttered out a quick "t-thanks" and basically ran into the office asking the lady at the front desk about my schedule. I thanked her when she handed me a paper with my schedule on it I left the office. I almost ran into the guy from earlier he seemed to have waited outside the office for me me. Before I could properly apologize for running into him earlier he asked "are you new here?" I slightly shook my head yes. The guy smiled "do you need help findings your classes?" He asked he seemed nice. I softly smiled "y-yea" the guy spoke "I can show you around Im jonah by the way in case you wanted to know" I smiled "that would be nice I have art first period". Jonah wrapped an arm around my shoulders I blushed "Come on pretty boy dont want you being late I'll meet you outside your classroom at the end of the period". I was quite how did he call me that so casually did he even mean to? When we got to the art room I waved bye to jonah. I looked around many of the table filled with people taking it seemed like everyone was sitting with there friends. The bell rang I blushed as focus was next on me when the teacher asked me to sit down I heard a voice whisper "kid over here" I looked at the table near the back I saw a guy motioning for me to sit with him and this other guy. I quickly went over and sat between him and I'm guessing his friend. The teacher told us about getting started with simple sketching since he wanted to see where all us were at with art skills. The boy that got me to sit over here tapped my shoulder I looked at him "I'm Daniel that's jack what's your name?". I spoke trying not to stuttered "Zach" Daniel smiled I looked back down at my notebook instead of having it on the table I had it on my lap. I glanced at Daniel his eyes were beautiful he had a small smile on his face he oddly made me think of puppies I quickly looked back at my paper I got to work. I drew a puppy putting in as much detail I could in are limited amount of time. I looked at Daniels drawing I blushed he was drawing me I looked back down I was now aware he kept glancing at me every once and awhile. I looked at Jack's drawing he was drawing the outline of a person a small full body cartoon like sketch I smiled. I quickly looked back down when the teacher told us to stop I put down my pencil I was happy with my end result the puppy looked pretty good. I thought it looked cute I jumped a little when Daniel spoke "aww that's adorable good job" he took my notebook. I blushed jack spoke "hey let me see it!" Daniel handed him my notebook. Jack had a similar reaction "your good at drawing this is very cute just like you" I looked down. He gave me back my notebook Daniel showed me his drawing it was my face it looked really good. Daniel spoke "I think it's clear where I got inspiration from" he wrapped an arm around me why is he so close? I smiled "it looks nice good job" jack placed his notebook on my lap. I smiled it was a cartoon sketch of me I spoke "I like your style" jack smiled. The teacher collected are papers we had a few minutes left of class to talk. Daniel asked "do you like my style?" I quickly answered him "of course I love realistic drawing it's so cool and hard to do so well like you did" Daniel kissed me cheek I froze. Jack spoke "Daniel!" Daniel blushed "sorry hard to resist you your just to cute" I looked down mumbling "it's fine" I honestly was starting to like this attention I was suddenly getting. The bell rang I got up I packed up my stuff I left the classroom I stayed near the door waiting for jonah. I saw him running down the hall I slightly giggled he skidded to a stop he smiled at me I just giggled more. Jonah spoke "come on stop giggling and tell me your next class pretty boy" I rolled my eyes "gym" jonah smirked "we have the same gym class come on". I slightly squeaked when jonah started dragging me to I'm guessing gym class he took me into a locker room I blushed. I hated locker rooms I was dragging by jonah to a bench he opened his locker getting his gym uniform I got my uniform out my bag. I slowly took my shirt off I quickly put my uniform shirt on an intense blush on my face jonah had wolf whistled. I glared at Jonah a few people laughed I looked down jonah spoke his voice lower "if you fucks don't stop laughing at Zach I swear I'll kick your ass" everyone was silent. I was a bit shocked how fast everyone stopped when jonah spoke. I quickly changed into my basketball shorts I let my curiosity take over "why did everyone listen to you so fast?". Jonah shoved his clothes into his locker he looked back at me "no one messes with me during gym". I was now more confused "why?" Jonah smirked "I'm the captain of the baseball team I got the strongest throw in this school". I rolled my eyes "stop bragging" jonah walked up to me he put an arm around me leading me out the locker room. I smiled a little I liked this arm around me it was nice I felt safe my smiled dropped when the coach told is we were doing Dodge ball. I gulped the coach spoke "ok team captains will be Wang and marais hurry up and start picking" everyone lined up. The guy I didn't know went first he pointed at me "your cute come here the last thing I need is the new kid getting hurt". Jonah was quick to speak "Jackson he's mine don't you dare" I didn't move Jackson sighed. Jackson spoke "go to your possessive boyfriends team" I walked over to jonah he smiled teams were quickly picked.

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