Chapter Seven-Several nights of horror-Section 3

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Mr Booth to the Amityville Judge after Sonny Montelli kills his parents in Amityville: Quote: "Demonic possession, your honor...Possession by demons", unquote, "Amityville II: The possession", (1982).


The Amityville doctor, Ralph Hamet, MD, 21, stared at the boy.

"Nasty wound Mrs and Mrs Lutz. It was lucky he wasn't paralysed by the sudden violence of the window slamming downward".

"How did it happen?", Kathy Lutz asked.

"Old doors and windows do that. Weird that it happened in that room. Lots of people died in that house. That was the room where Ronald DeFeo and his wife Louise Brigante-DeFeo was shot by their 23 year old son, Ronald DeFeo, Jr., on November 13, 1974. He killed his sisters and brothers too".

"Oh My God!", George Lee Lutz said.

"Sorry to scare you all. But I assumed the Real Estate Agent told you".

"She said that the house is cheap".

"Yeah, Edith says she couldn't get any New York families to get the Amityville house. Then you folks came".

"Can we get help?".

"Accidents are accidents, Mrs. Lutz. That's it. But if anything else weird happens, I got some paranormal friends who can come by the house".

"Thank you".

"Now...", he told Michael, "...Be careful young man".

"Yes, Doctor".

And, with that, they left the Amityville Hospital with an unnatural shivering in their bones.

Page 8.

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