~Chapter 1~

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(The 'I' is me the author)

Over the last 3 to 4 years, Naomi wasn't the same girl she was before. Dimitri tried everything to bring her back to her old self but nothing ever worked. She was once this good girl but now she...well isn't. She turned evil...well not necessarily evil per say, she turned bad. Naomi started to kill people in cold blood. She robbed banks, jewelry stores, grocery stores.

You may be wondering what caused all this chaos, well, in that case, I will tell you.


3 to 4 years ago was when it all started into chaos. David Lynstro was turned into a vampire and decided he was going to go with them.  They are being the vampires. David was her rock so to speak, David kept her sane since she was 3 years old. After David left and never came back, Naomi went on a rage or known as a spiral of emotions.

At one point she snapped and killed people, she thought that if she killed people...David would find out and care and come back to her but no that didn't happen. David never came back, no matter what Naomi did, it didn't help the immense pain of a broken heart inside of her chest. Now in her train of thought, she always asked herself this one specific question...

Was It For Love Or For Blood?

Did he leave out of love or did he leave because blood was addicting? 

*Naomi Knight's POV*

(3 to 4 Years Earlier)

A rage was building inside my chest, all I wanted to do was scream. David left me. He hasn't been home in a week. Why would he choose them instead of us? Over the course of the week, this same question popped into my head and it reminded me of David.

Was It For Love Or For Blood?

I try to ignore it but it's still there. A week ago was my graduation but I missed it. I still got my diploma in the mail though, with a letter attached to it.


Dear Miss Naomi Knight,

We missed you at the graduation ceremony. Here is your Diploma. We all will miss you and we hope you have a safe journey to your new college Yale. Dimitri came by and said you were sick and couldn't attend graduation. We hope you feel better soon and we also look forward to seeing you at the 5-year high school reunion. Keep up the good job at getting excellent grades.


Everyone from school


It's also been a week since I last seen Matthew. I'm not exactly sure where he went but I was going to find out sooner or later.

I missed them.

(3 To 4 Years Later)

Matthew was living on an island called Mehchewy ThunderRidge. He has been there since the first day David chose to be with the vampires. I had no one left for a family but I didn't care anymore. I used to care but then everyone abandoned me. I had been living on my own with Dimitri at the college.

At night was when I went out for my nightly killing spree, Dimitri always tried to stop me but he was no match since the human blood gave me more strength than the animal blood. All throughout the 3 or 4 years without David and Matthew, I killed and killed and killed, just hoping it would bring them back to me. It never happened, they never came back.

I walked over to Dimitri who was laying on the bed and gave him my 'I'm leaving and will be back soon' kiss. I walked over o the door, Dimitri flew out of the bed as fast as a blink of an eye and was in front of me, blocking my exit.

"Please, baby. No more killing" Dimitri said but I ignored it and pushed him out of the way.

 I opened the door only for it to be slammed shut by Dimitri. I looked at him and gave him a glare. I picked him up and threw him into the wall on the other side of the room and it left a huge dent in the wall. He fell to the bed and looked at me and what I had become, he had tears in his eyes...

"I want my Naomi back," Dimitri said in sobs.

"She is gone because her ONLY family left her and she isn't coming back," I said crying for a split second and then my eyes turned hard again and then I walked out of the door and closed it without a second glance.  

*Dimitri Lovardo's POV*

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*Dimitri Lovardo's POV*

Naomi stood by the door but I knew it wasn't the old Naomi I had always known. My Naomi never killed anyone. My Naomi never stole anything but a kiss or two. This Naomi was bad while my Naomi was good. I didn't know who this girl was anymore. This Naomi still loved me but not as much as my Naomi did.

David and Matthew corrupted her when then left and never came back. All she wanted was them to be back home into her life as they once were.

I knew she cared, I knew her heart was broken and I knew she missed them but these feelings dissipated when David and Matthew left her alone just as she was when she was born.

I flew up from the bed I was laying on and was in front of the door before she could blink an eye. I tried to stop her from killing innocent people once again but she threw me into the wall across the room and it left a huge dent...

"I want my Naomi back," I said as I sobbed.

"She is gone because her ONLY family left her and she isn't coming back," she said as she cried for a split second and then her eyes turned hard again and then she walked out of the door and closed it without a second glance.  

This wasn't my Naomi...

She wouldn't do this.

She wouldn't do this

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