~Chapter 13~

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*Matthew's POV*

Dimitri and I waited in a room inside a castle, we waited anxiously for David and Micheal to bring Naomi straight to us. I couldn't help but think that Naomi was confused. She didn't know how she ended up here but the reason behind it was because she was in danger. Someone wanted her dead but I didn't know the smallest of details.

I knew Naomi hated me for leaving but she needed to understand the true reason on why she was in this castle. Naomi's whole life was practically a lie. I needed to explain to her that her real family was royalty and that she is a princess but I had no idea on how to approach this subject with her.

I needed to approach this lightly but quickly. I suddenly heard footsteps down the hallway and it seemed like it was heading towards me and Dimitri. I stood my ground with legs apart and my hands behind my back. A knock on the door sounded and I muscled up enough strength in my voice.

"Come in," I said in authority and they walked in.

"Dimitri?" Naomi asked in a quiet tone but loud enough for everyone in the room to hear.

"Yes" Dimitri said.

*Dimitri's POV*

"Dimitri?" Naomi asked in a quiet tone.

"Yes," I said.

Suddenly before I knew it, Naomi was running towards me. Before I could wrap my arms around her and steady myself, she crashed into me and we both landed on the floor so hard that the tiles underneath us broke in half and we started to slide on the floor and more tiles broke. Naomi never acted in such a manner before and I found it highly entertaining. I loved her more than she could ever imagine. She's my whole world and I hope she still loves me after she finds out about our lie we had to keep.

She started to laugh and I joined her. She got up and helped me up too even though I didn't need her help getting up.  Naomi leaned into my ear and started to whisper:

"Why didn't you tell me the truth, Dimitri?" Naomi asked me in a whisper.

"I needed to see that you would be safe," I said.

"Safe? Safe from what? Safe from who?" Naomi asked.

"People are after you, Naomi. The same people that killed your family years ago," I said.

"Are they here to kill me?" Naomi asked with tears in her eyes as she looked at me dead in the eyes.

"We aren't sure of their intentions yet but I'm not going to lie to you. I think they are and if they are then I will always be here to protect you" I said.

Naomi started to cry in sobs and I took her in my arms and kissed the top of her head. I never wanted to let her go. I wanted to be in this 'fantasy' with her forever. I never want to leave her but the royalty life wasn't my own life. I need to stay here. I need to protect her. I promised to protect her. I just didn't know how to protect her now that she has been returned to the castle where she was born.

I took her face into my hands to make her look me in the eyes. Her eyes where still brimmed with tears that fell down and stained her pink cheeks. Naomi tried to tilt her head down but before she could, I pressed my lips to hers and our lips moved as one against each other in sync. I pulled away and gave her a small smile slash sideways smirk. I looked away from her and walked to the window and saw snow. I turned back towards her and she looked to the floor at the broken tiles with a puzzled expression on her face.

I walked back over to her and grabbed her hand and lead her to the window. She looked at me confused.

"Look out the window and tell me what you see," I said.

Naomi looked out the window and an excited expression fell upon her face. She looked away from the window and looked at me and she was practically jumping up and down in place.

"Dimitri! It's snowing! It's snowing, Dimitri!" Naomi said as she ran to me and jumped into my arms and placed a kiss on my lips.

"Yes it is, Naomi," I said with a smile as I pulled away once again.  

"Dimitri?" Naomi asked.

"Yes?" I asked.

"How is it snowing? It never snows here" Naomi asked and she looked out the window once again.

"I don't know," I said honestly.

"Come on," I said as I grabbed her hand and started to walk out of the room.

"Where are we going?" Naomi asked.

"To bed," I said as I winked at her.

"Hmm trying to get me into bed, huh?" Naomi said with a wink and then she started to follow behind me.

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