~Chapter 20~

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*Dimitri's POV*

I looked my brother in the eyes as he told me he would protect her. All I wanted to know if this is true. He was always the evil twin brother when we were growing up but hey maybe people change...right? Even though I am half wolf and half vampire, Drevin has only wolf blood that courses through his veins. Drevin is a rare blood breed of wolf. He is much faster and stronger than anyone of our kind. I knew he could protect her from anything and anyone.

I wish I could be there to protect her too but I'm not one of the strongest of wolves out there. I'm strong yes but not one of the strongest. I was supposed to be Alpha of the pack because I am a hybrid. No vampire had ever survived being bitten by a wolf. The first wolf change was more than painful. I had to survive it to live. 

Honestly, I had no idea if I was born half wolf and half vampire or if I was a vampire, then bitten and survived the transformation. I wanted to tell Drevin that I knew he was in love with my Noami but I didn't know how he would react. Drevin could react calm and collected or the total opposite, he could try to take her from me and create a scene in public.

I don't know why I felt like I needed to tell him but I did. Deep down inside I found myself wondering... what does Drevin have that I don't? Why would Naomi date him? Why would Naomi join this pack and not inform me? I needed to know the answers to my questions but if I were being honest then I'd say I was afraid. Afraid of the truth and everything that lies in the wake of that truth what would someday reveal itself and maybe even tear me to pieces.

I sometimes wonder if Naomi ever talked about me to Drevin. If they did they what did they talk about? I could ask Naomi but that would risk her either getting mad at me or something else entirely. I really don't want to know what that something else holds in store for me. I wonder if "Drevin" is a sore subject for Naomi. 

I look around and Drevin was staring at me intently, trying to figure out what I was thinking about. The look on his face showed a bit of confusion. He narrowed his eyes in thought and in concentration as he tried to read my mind but I blocked him out of it. I couldn't allow him to see inside my mind, he could possibly tell Naomi and I knew I couldn't risk it.

I looked at my phone and looked at the time, it was already 10:00 pm at night. I feel my eyes widen and I cursed under my breath. How could I have let time slip by so easily? 

"Drevin?" I asked as I looked at him.

"Yeah bro?" Drevin asked as he looked back at me as well.

"It's already 10:00 pm. I got to leave" I said.

Drevin's eyes widened and he took his phone out of his pocket. He opened it up and looked at the time. He started to curse under his breath. Maybe he forgot to do something? 

I started to walk towards the door and Drevin stopped me when he said something.

"I will pick Naomi up tomorrow afternoon," Drevin said.

I turned back and nodded in approval. I walked out of his room and down the hall, I put my hand on the hand sensor and the door opened. Once I was outside I ran with my vampire and wolf speed combined and made it back to that castle in record time.

Loving The Game That We Always Play (Book 2)(✔️COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now