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LYNN CORAL GROVE, or as she prefers to be called "just lynn", is a quiet, quirky girl. she's always one to raise her hand first in class, and her surrounding classmates would groan at her long responses. she was very smart, actively participating in the academic decathlon. she has her small group of friends, which consists of, well, just michelle. lynn became friends with michelle when she moved right next door in freshman year, and they have been stuck together like glue since.

PETER PARKER, queens native, was just like lynn. he was highly intelligent, and was in the decathlon as well. he was well aware of lynn's existence–he had been crushing on the girl since she started attending the same school as him. he never dared to say anything to her, he was just too scared. when she said something or asked peter a question, he stuttered and stumbled over his words.

but what happens when these two get stuck in a elevator together?

head in the clouds [peter parker]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant