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AT 5:50 LYNN started her journey downstairs to peter's apartment. she got there on time, thankfully.

she was wearing her midtown high tee shirt and some athletic shorts. her hair was once more raised into that ponytail that peter found so attractive.

she lightly knocked on the door and a young woman answered, allowing lynn inside. "you must be lynn," the woman remarked, placing a hand on the small of her back and leading her into the kitchen. "i'm aunt may, by the way." she furrowed her brows. "huh. that rhymed."

there was larb and some lo mein sitting in the middle of the table. lynn assumed that peter ordered the lo mein for her incase she didn't like larb.

"peter! your girlfriend is here!" may called out, sending lynn a small wink.

"oh no, we aren-"

peter stormed out of his room, and into the kitchen, shirtless.

"gah. how many times did i tell you she's not my girlfriend!" his hands were raised in frustration. he saw lynn staring at his abs and he realized he didn't have a shirt on. "crap, h-hold on."

he ran back into his room just as fast as he ran out. lynn stared at his door, hoping desperately for him to just magically come out again shirtless. his body was impressive, for a boy who could barely do pushups in gym. maybe it was all an act? maybe he secretly trains in some gym, lynn thought.

peter emerged from his room once more, this time with a shirt on. lynn nearly pouted but refrained from doing so.

"so," aunt may chewed, picking around at her larb.

"what decathlon stuff do you guys need to do?" she grilled.

peter blinked a few times, thinking of another lie. before he had the chance to, lynn spoke up.

"uh, we have to test ourselves. we get these, er, little cards and they have questions and answers on them. i didn't bring my pack because i figured peter had his," she said the last part through gritted teeth, lynn hated lying. of course peter couldn't know that, but lynn lying was a rare thing.

"excuse me, i have to use the restroom. peter? can you show me where it is?" he stood up, getting the memo.

lynn went inside the bathroom and pulled him in with her.

"why are you making me lie?" lynn had to whisper in order for aunt may to not hear them.

"i—dunno, i do it all the time?"

"what? that's not cool!" she shoved him out of the bathroom with her palms and closed the door on him.

"i wasn't..trying to be cool." he raised a hand to the door. "nice talk," he muttered before returning to dinner.

a few short moments later, lynn was back at the kitchen table eating her lo mein. the three of them sat in an established comfortable silence. may had already asked the questions she wanted to know an answer to and had nothing more to say.

after dinner, peter went into his room, lynn following close behind. it was around 7 o'clock now.

"your room is too small to do flips.." lynn said, kicking aside various shirts and pairs of pants scattered across the floor.

"that's why we're going to the roof."

lynn sent him a look that roughly translated to: "excuse me?"

he slid the window up and open, crawling out. he extended his hand for her to grab onto for support as she climbed out.

"o-kay..no biggie. i'm just 23 stories up on a fire escape.."

she gulped hard as she gripped onto peter's hand like her life depended on it.

to say the least, she was terrified.

she had to place every ounce of trust into peter and she did so.

"come on, theres only like another 20 flights to go." peter said. "plus, it'll be a good stretch before we tumble, right?" he started ahead of her and lynn tried her best not to look down. soon enough, the two were on the top of the building.

peter was jumping up and down like a hyperactive four year on christmas while lynn was out of breath and barely standing.

"hold on, that's like..." she took a deep breath. "the most excerise i've ever done and honestly? i can't feel my calves." lynn walked to peter, who was practicing his flips. he did a back and front flip right in front of her, and lynn was still shocked that he was able to do such things.

"where'd you learn how to do that?" she asked, wiping a bead of sweat off of her forehead with the back of her hand.

"uh, y'know, i uh, well, you see abo-"

"whatever, you don't have to tell me your secrets anyways, it's none of my business." she sighed.

peter looked anywhere besides lynn, discomposed slightly.

"let's uh-let's start then, huh?" he clapped his hands together, and lynn nodded, agreeing.

head in the clouds [peter parker]Where stories live. Discover now