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IT WAS NOW nearly dark, the sun preparing to set. peter and lynn were still on the roof top. they had stopped training to stop and look at the sun setting.

together they sat, their knees pulled towards their chest.

peter was as close to lynn as he was in the elevator, possibly closer. lynn scooted closer towards peter, leaning her head on his shoulder. "thank you peter, i had fun today." she spoke, her words laced with tiredness.

"n-no problem lynn." peter replied.

"i've never seen anything more beautiful." lynn said, pointing to the sun with her index finger then letting her arm fall to her side.

"i have.." peter uttered, scratching his cheek to hide the crimson color rising on it.

lynn hummed, sitting up. "what was that?" she shrugged. "you have a lot of secrets parker. do you ever, like, y'know let your feelings out to someone?"

the boy shook his head, his curls bouncing. "no, not really, n-no one really cares.."

lynn had not noticed her eyebrows pressing in, and she whispered to him.


peter shivered listening to those words coming out of her mouth with sincerity and softness.

"i, i don't know honestly. i mean i tell ned a lot of things..but not all of it." he turned his head towards her before looking back out at the sunset.

she sighed and changed the subject.

"i'll have to repay you somehow for teaching me all of this. even though i'm nowheres close to doing a backflip yet."
she laughed, her dimple poking out of her cheek. lynn picked up her water bottle and took a sip.

"how about dinner?" he offered.

lynn spit out her drink.

"d-dinner?" she leaned forwards, appalled.

"maybe it wasn't a good idea," peter jerked his head down into his lap.

"no, no, i didn't mean it like that. i'm just confused. you're teaching me all this for one dinner with me?" she waved her arms out.

peter nodded, looking at her.

"as in like, a date?"

peter's eyes went wide and lynn watched his chest rise and fall.

he swallowed, running a hand through his curls. "o-only if you want it to be a d..date."

"i would love to go on a date with you, pete." she smiled, linking arms with him.

he blushed, a smile plastered on his face.

head in the clouds [peter parker]Where stories live. Discover now