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"PETER?" AUNT MAY called out when she heard the door opening. "yeah, it's me," he sighed, his feet padding against the floor lazily.

"jesus christ, peter!" aunt may threw the knife down on the counter, grabbing a drying cloth and wiped her hands. she ran towards the boy, engulfing him in a huge hug.

pulling back, she placed her hands on his face, turning his face from side to side.

"are you alright?" she asked, checking his body for any injuries.

"yes-gosh i'm fine," he pushed her away, embarrassed.

"where were you?" she furrowed her eyebrows, trying her best serious face. peter could lie, saying he stayed after school with ned, but he told her the truth for once. he always lied about where he had been because he was spider-man.

"funny story, actually. i got stuck in an elevator with a classmate." he threw his backpack in his room, turning back to face her.

"who was she?" aunt may winked, causing peter to groan.

"just some girl from the decathlon." he admitted, walking to the food pantry to grab an energy bar. "i have a lot of homework, so i ought to get to it," he raised the granola bar up, shaking it, before heading to his bedroom.

he closed the door behind him, and plopped onto his bed. he threw the granola bar across his room. peter crossed his arms behind his head, closing his eyes. he thought about the happenings in the elevator. she wanted him, out of all people, to teach her how to do flips. what would she say in school tomorrow? would they be in the elevator together again? would she ever like him back?

the thoughts in his head raced far to fast for him to comprehend so he decided to sleep it off, totally forgetting he had a crap ton of homework.

head in the clouds [peter parker]Where stories live. Discover now