Chapter 7: Friendly Talk?

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A/n - Keep in mind that I love Gabbie, this isn't to draw hate to her but to just add drama to the story, anyways enjoy!

It was the next morning and Shane was happy Ryland wasn't as mad as he was before, once Shane woke up he looked at his phone and saw he had a text from Gabbie,

Gabbie - Hey Shane, I'm so sorry about that thumb nail! So how'd it go with you two?

Shane - It's fine, and Ryland and I will work it out, it wasn't your fault.

Gabbie - It kinda was since I asked to react to Shabbie fanfic, I'm so sorry about that, but Shane I really need to talk to you about something that's been on my mind.

Shane - Sure what time?

Gabbie - Maybe around 4? How does that sound?

Shane - Sounds great, see ya soon Gabbie!

And with that, Shane had to tell Ryland but he knew, that if he did, Ryland would get mad, so Shane didn't tell him, bad mistake.

------------(time skip)------------

*Shane's POV*

Ryland was off at work and I had to talk to Gabbie. I hated lying to Ryland but I new he'd get mad, so I couldn't tell him, it's not like Gabbie's going to do something, she just wants to talk.

I walk in Gabbie's apartment and she greeted me with a smile,

"Hey Shane, I'm sorry about everything that's happened and I feel really bad," she claimed, I felt so bad that she thought Ryland and I's 'fight' was about her, which is true but I felt bad,

"Gabbie, it's fine! You did nothing! Ryland and I are okay now there's no need to worry," I say,

"That's why I need to talk to you Shane," Gabbie said as she put her hand on mine, she pulled me to her couch and she keep on talking,

"Your so nice to me even when I could have completely fucked up your relationship, I don't get why you are still friends with me, we'll all I'm trying to say is I think I like you Shane, and more than a friend," Gabbie said, I was so shocked I didn't say a word, I felt her lean in, I didn't know she had these such feelings for me. We became 2 inches away from each other's lips before I moved away quickly leading her to kiss my check,

"Gabbie, I'm happy you found this out but I just can't say I feel the same, your a really nice girl but I'm in love with someone else and I'm sorry," I began to talk, but Gabbie didn't care, she quickly grabbed my neck and pulled me in, forcing a kiss upon my lips, I tried to pull away but her force was so strong he pulled me back in, I didn't want to kiss her, I didn't like her like that, I love Ryland and only Ryland, nothing Gabbie could do to make me not love him,

"I'm better for you Shane," Gabbie whispers as she pulls away from the kiss,

"No Gabbie! I didn't want to kiss you! All your doing is going to make Ryland upset and he's never going to talk to be again! I'm sorry Gabbie but I don't like you like that! Please just get that fact!"
I yell, I jump up out of my seat and head toward the door, I was so caught up in my frustration that I didn't even realize the words I said to her,

"SHANE RYLAND'S NO GOOD FOR YOU! CAN'T YOU TELL!? I'm the one that loves you! I'm the one that can care for you! Ryland doesn't love you Shane! Cuz I do!" Gabbie began to say, she walked towards me trying to kiss me again before I pulled her away,

"Ryland does love me! You just won't drill in your head that someone else is in love with me! Gabbie I never felt feeling for you in that way! I'm sorry but you need to realize that! Please don't fuck up my relationship! For the first time in forever I really love someone so much that it hurts when there mad at me!" I began to yell, Gabbie backed away and just looked at me, she was confused that I never liked her like that, I didn't care, all I wanted to do was leave and be with Ryland again.

"Shane, Ryland's just an asshole! Your not getting it right! Shane he DOESN'T LOVE YOU! At least not like I do," she said, yet again trying to kiss me,

"Gabbie stop! I'm getting the fuck out of here and I better not hear from you again! Don't try and make me stay cuz I won't! I won't let you call Ryland an asshole! Your the asshole for trying to mess with my mind! I'm sorry Gabbie but bye!" I say as I shut the door, I ran to my car and cleaned my mouth, I never new Gabbie could be like that, Gabbie's so sweet and I never thought that could happen. I quickly go home and take a shower, I never want Ryland to find out, he already didn't like her and now he might think I cheated on him, I can't lose him. The night was ending and I wanted to text Ryland and tell him I came home safe,

Shane - Hey Ryland, I'm home, sorry about texting you late but there was a lot of traffic coming from Gabble's.

Ryland - Oh so you went to Gabble's? Why didn't you tell me?

"Shit," I thought, I totally forgot I didn't tell him about going to Gabble's,

Shane - Yeah sorry, I forgot to tell you. Nothing happened though, no need to worry!

Ryland - Okay but I'm trusting you. If I find out that something happened I won't be too happy.

Shane - I know, and even if something happened I wouldn't have meant anything, anyways, goodnight babty.

Ryland - Goodnight <3

And with that I had to fall asleep, I wanted to tell Ryland what happened but I know he wouldn't be happy even if I didn't do anything, I couldn't take that risk, at least not yet.

A/n - Heyo guys! There's some dramaaaa in paradise! Hope you guys enjoyed! <3 Note that I love Gabbie and there's no hate toward her!

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