Chapter 10: Traveling With You Pt. 2

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•Ryland's POV•

        It's been a week since we first got to New York,  Shane and I have seen new things and got to know each other better than before, today Shane and I wanted to go on a nice date before we head home. I wake up and push myself out of Shane's arms and head to the kitchen of the hotel, I open the fridge and see the food Shane bought for us yesterday, I grab the food and put it into the microwave, as I do that I hear a noise. After I was done warming up my food I heard another noise but this time it was louder, I put my food down and tried to not listen to the noise and just carry on eating. A few minutes after the noise became a scream, than yelling of words like, "DON'T!" "NO STOP!" "DON'T LEAVE ME! IT MEANT NOTHING!". The words were also followed by a faint cry, until I head a complete sob. I ran to the room to find Shane on the floor, still asleep, he had tear upon tear, dripping down his face, at moments he let out some words, I run up to him and gently shook him to try and wake him up, he jerked up and looked at me, Shane quickly grabbed my face and pulled me into a loving/sad kiss, it felt like he done something wrong, I didn't know what but I couldn't think about that, Shane was clearly broken from his nightmare and I had to be there for him. I kissed back, once we pulled away I grabbed him and pulled him into a hug, he cried even harder,

"Shhh. It's okay, I'm here and I'm not going to leave you any time soon," I say trying to make him feel better, I rubbed his back and he cried harder. Soon he wasn't crying as much and I wanted to know what his dream was about,

"Shane, can you tell me what your nightmare is about?" I ask in concern,

"I-i would, b-but..." he said, he stoped talking after saying but, I don't know why he's so hesitant to tell me,

"Shane it's okay! Whatever you say will NOT make me think different of you, even if it's something I don't like, it's okay, all it is, is a nightmare, it's not true. You can tell me anything," I say, he pulled out of the hug and began to talk,

"I'm sorry," he said, it confused me because it was just a dream, he made it seem like whatever it was actually happened, I didn't care now and all I wanted to do was be there for him, I knew one day he'd tell me, but today wasn't that day.

       It was mid day now, Shane wanted to go out and have a date before we left New York, I thought it was a great idea so I said yes. On the way to the restaurant Shane kept getting text from someone, it didn't have a name but it had the number, I tried seeing who it was but Shane turned his phone off before I could get a good look, I looked at his face and he looked upset,

"Shane, are you okay? You seem upset about something?" I ask him, it takes him a while before responding,

"Uh, oh yeah I'm fine, the rest of the day I want to spend time with you, and maybe when we get home we could... *wink wink*" he said, I knew exactly what he meant when he said that, he's don't it before, it wasn't nothing new, I nodded and laughed at his weird way of asking me. We got in the restaurant and sat down, the waiter came and we ordered our food, once the lady left Shane got another text.

•Shane's POV•

Every few seconds I got texts from the same person, the one person I told I'd never want to talk to again... yes, Gabbie. I tell Ryland I have to go to the bathroom, he looks at me confused than nods, but in reality I was just gonna text Gabbie to stop texting me because I was with Ryland,

| Message Contacts |
       | Gabbie |
Shane - Gabbie stop texting me! I'm with Ryland and your ruining my time with him, please leave me only for now. I told you to stop talking to me, please don't text me the rest of the night.

Gabbie - Shane I'm sorry! I was drunk and didn't know what I was doing! Even tho I meant it...

Shane - Gabbie stop. Ryland is the one I love and the only one, I'm sorry but I don't feel the same, I have to get back to him. Again please don't text me for the rest of the night.

Gabbie - Fine! But this isn't the last of me! Have fun fucking Ryland.

Shane - Thanks.

Gabbie - Ugh!

I walk out of the bathroom and head to my seat, when I came closer to the table I saw the food was there already, crap I was meant to spend the day with Ryland not texting Gabbie. I sit down and Ryland starts to talk to me,

"Shane, you know you can tell me anything right?" H said, I felt like he knew I only went to the bathroom just to text the number that kept texting me,

"Yeah I know, hey, I've not been the closest to you lately and I want you to know that I'm going to try and but effort into us okay." I say, I felt bad that I haven't been to close with him, we went on this trip for us but I've just been busy either editing videos or being in my thoughts, today was going to be different. We finished out food and went back to the hotel, we sat on the couch,

"What do you want to watch?" I asked,

"Anything really, I'm just bored" he said, I gave him a smirk and he playfully hit me,

"Okay, oaky! I'll stop, let's watch a scary movie! I suggest with a chuckle at the end, he looked at me like I was crazy, which I couldn't blame him,

"Fine. But if I get scared you'll either be my punching bag or hiding spot" he said while laughing, I laughed along, I but on the movie. A scary part came on and Ryland screamed like he was getting murdered, he put his head in a pillow, I took the pillow out of his hands and threw it, I laughed at the look he gave me, I pulled him onto me so he wouldn't need the pillow anyway, he got comfortable, another scary part came on and he freaked out and pushed himself into me, which caused a chuckled from me. The movie was ending and I heard Ryland start to snore, one last scary part came on and it made me jump a little, Ryland noticed, I could tell because he chucked a little. The movie was over and Ryland was back asleep, i nudged him a little to try and wake him up, but he just moved away, I wasn't just going to let him stay here, so I grabbed him, picking him up, one of my hands went behind his back, the other under his legs, walking over to the bed and put him down softly, I laid down next to him, I put the covers over us, a little later I could feel him rap around me, pulling me in closer, I turned around to face this beautiful boy, hugging him tighter, we fell asleep. Before I went completely to bed I remembered Ryland say, Cuddle Buddy, in my head I thought that could be a great video, invite someone over and cuddle with them, I don't know how Ryland would like it but it's a good video idea. I fall asleep, I couldn't wait to go home now.

A/n - Foreshadowing? 😈

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