~And so, They Met~

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YouTubest, a land home to many kingdoms, the Iplier kingdom home to King Mark, the Septiceye kingdom home to King Jack, and so many more. Some kingdoms unite and become one, like the Iplier and Septiceye kingdoms. Their Kings joined together though marriage.
There also lived the kingdom of PewDiePie, the wealthiest and largest kingdom in the land, home to King Felix and Queen Marzia. However there lived another kingdom, LionsKeep, where there lived a young prince. His name was Prince Phillip. He was second in line to the throne because of his older brother Martyn, who was always searching YouTubest to find his future queen. Phil, however, always wanted to be king and rule the land. There was one problem though. The only way he could become king was to marry someone before his brother. But how can you do that while stuck in a castle everyday? The king and queen were always out making trades and alliances with other kingdoms, giving Phil the chance to sneak out of the castle every once in a while, while avoiding the maids and guards. He wouldn't go far though, he would only walk around the town and explore the fields and gardens. Phil didn't like all the maids and other servants tending to his every need, especially getting dressed. Even though the castle was huge, he still wanted to explore and see the world. There also lived a knight in training named Sir Daniel Howell. When Dan was a child, he became an orphan. When his whole family was coming to the kingdom of LionsKeep, they sadly died in the process, leaving only Dan. He managed to come to the kingdom however, sad and alone. He wasn't welcomed so nicely by the other kids, being a bum on the streets with no home. One day, while the other kids were picking on Dan, a knight came and told the kids off and to leave Dan alone. Dan, amazed by knight, thanked him and the knight took him in. From that day on, Dan has been training to be a great knight just like the knight who saved him. One day, Dan had asked the knight, who was also head guard, if he would go on adventures with him. The head guard sadly told Dan he want ready yet. Dan disappointed then trained even harder from that day on, even though he spent most his times indoors, not wanting to do anything. Still he strives to be the best knight he can be, and he is! Dan is second best in the guild next to the head guard, despite being clumsy at times. One day Dan wishes to venture out and do more, but for now, he stays in the kingdom. These two boys, despite being in the same kingdom, have never met before! However, that was all about to change.

Maid: *yelling* Phil!~
Phil: *groans*
Maid: ...Phil!~
Phil: *groans again*
Phil: GAH! *falls out of bed*

A very old woman, who looks like a grandmother with a maid outfit, opens the door with a huge smile on her face which is welcoming and kind, yet at the same time, is scary. She looks and walks over to Phil, who is on the floor next to a huge bed, and has a sheet over his face.

Maid: Good morning love!
Phil: Gah! Susan, you nearly scared me to death!
Susan: Well you were sleeping for so long, I thought you had slept yourself to death! Now come downstairs, your breakfast is ready.
Phil: Ok! I'll be down in a minute!

Susan then leaves the room and make a right turn down the hallway. Phil then gets up and runs out his door, making a left and down the hallway. He then gets to a spiral staircase and slides down the railing, saying good morning to all the servants going up and down the stairs. Phil then jumps off the end of the railing and slides into the dinning hall, right near the stairs. He slows down to take a seat at the end of a long dinning table. A butler comes and places a napkin on Phil's lap and collar, with Phil then stopping him by doing it himself. The butler still pushes Phil's chair in and leaves. From a door near Phil, comes a cart with a silver platter on top and jug filled with orange juice. The server places the platter and pours a glass of juice, right in front of Phil. The plater is then opened to show a huge stack of freshly made pancakes, made just for Phil.

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