~You need to stop that wedding!~

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Why hello there! I'm writing this night before school starts again! Yep, I'm a rebel! (I'm so gonna regret this tomorrow.) Just wanted to let you know that because now you know why uploads might be coming late and stuff so ya, sorry in advance. K story!
PJ didn't chase after Dan. He knew Dan wouldn't listen to him after what he said, so PJ went back home ashamed of himself. Dan kept running down the road 'till finally, he reached Louise's house. Dan knocked on the door trying to catch his breath. Darcy answered the door and called her mum who quickly came downstairs shocked to see Dan. Louise let him in straight away. As soon as Dan was inside, he collapsed to the floor and cried. Louise sent Darcy to her room and kneeled on the floor to face Dan. He told her what had happened and with that, Louise walked him over to the couch. Dan vented for an hour, telling Louise how his month had been like. She let him stay the night and so he did. Dan couldn't sleep however, he just stared at the ceiling, thinking of what PJ had said, knowing the wedding was tomorrow. What was he going to do?

The next day Dan woke up at noon and rubbed his eyes. They were red and sore from crying all of yesterday and all month. He looked out the window to see Darcy playing on stacks of hay while her father worked outside. Dan sat up and looked around, no one was downstairs. He saw that his boots were gone and over by the front door.  A few moments later Dan came out of the bathroom all dressed. He wore a slightly large baby blue long sleeve shirt, which he had rolled up the sleeves, slightly long dark brown plants which he rolled up too, and some socks that were a bit worn but still wearable. As Dan was rolling up his sleeves a bit more, Louise was coming down the stairs with her baby in her arms. Dan got slightly shocked but quickly calmed down knowing it was Louise. Dan went and sat on the armchair while Louise sat on the couch rocking her baby. Dan looks at the baby, then Louise, then back at the baby and gives off a smile. Dan stares at the baby for while until Louise looks up and notices Dan. Louise then starts off a conversation.

Louise: Pretty isn't she?
Dan: *slightly embarrassed* Uh..Y-ya.. She's as pretty as her mother.
Louise: Eh..true.
Dan: *gives off a small laugh* Ha... I haven't laughed in a month...

Dan's smile slowly fades and quickly becomes a frown. Louise notices and continues the conversation.

Louise: Do you want kids Dan?
Dan: *flustered* Y-ya! Of course... But it will never happen...
Louise: Why not?
Dan: Louise you know why, Phil-
Louise: What? Dumped you? He didn't exactly dump you did he?
Dan: What do you mean, of course he did-
Louise: Just because he's marrying some princess doesn't mean he doesn't love you. Dan, when he first met you, he wouldn't stop talking about you, his "knight in shining armor". Phil was so lovey-dovey for weeks! He was planning on marrying you ya know.
Dan: He..he was?
Louise: Yes! Dan, he still loves you! He's probably bummed out right now not being with you.
Dan: How do you know he still loves me?
Louise: Dan. When Phil first tried pancakes, he loved them, and till this day he still feels that feeling when he ate pancakes for this first time. Once Phil loves something, he never stops loving it. So I'm pretty sure he's still in love with you.
Dan: Then, what do I do? The wedding is today!
Louise: You need to stop that wedding!
Dan: How?
Louise: You need to go over there, crash open those doors and stop that wedding! Don't take no for an answer! Win back your love!
Dan: Alright *stands up* I'll do it! But... I don't have much time! The wedding is at sunset! It's so far away!
Louise: Then you'd better go!
Dan: Right! Thanks, Louise!

Dan quickly hugs Louise, quickly puts on his boots and heads out the door. It was 3 already and he could hear bells ring from town saying the wedding was about to start. Dan quickly runs over to Liam who is by the stables.

Dan: Liam! I need to borrow a horse!
Liam: Sure Dan, I owe you for helping Louise anyway
Dan: Thanks, Liam!

Dan quickly jumps on a horse and snaps on the reigns. The horse stands on its back legs then dashes down the dirt driveway onto the main road. Louise goes outside and watches Dan ride towards the castle, baby in her arms.

Louise: You've got this Dan. You get back your Phil.


Tis short chapter because one, it's a school night and two, FREAKING WATTPAD DELETED ALL MY PROGRESS EVEN THOUGH I HAD SAVED IT LIKE 50 TIMES AND IM SO MAD! I HAD FINISHED EARLY TOO AND WAS ALMOST DONE! I was gonna go to sleep early, and now it's late, and I'm not gonna have a good day tomorrow and ugh! It was well written too!! So this might not be as good as the first time I was writing it, and it's ok I guess now but ugh I'm so mad!! K I'm now going to sleep mad.

Bai. (❤)

Not even gonna link my twitter.

The Prince And The Knight // Phan Fantasy AUWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu