~A Kiss?~

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Why Hello there! Sorry I haven't been posting lately, well when I'm writing this I haven't uploaded in a while and ugh! It makes me feel guilty and I'm so so sorry! Again, I'm in school and so is my editor (my friend who has been a real big help thanks again Dom) and ya. Hopefully you'll stick around and enjoy this story! I'll try and work harder, even if I have little inspiration, which has been happening alot, or we haven't editied on time. I'm in track as well so I have to do more stuff after school and ya. Ok enough rambling enjoy!!
Did that just happen?!? Phil kissed Dan on the cheek! Dan's whole face got hot and so did Phil's. What does this mean? Is there something there? Could this lead to something big?! No, it couldn't! Phil's a prince and Dan is only a knight. However, this doesn't really count as a first kiss. Will they truly have a first kiss? We'll see.

The next day came sooner then expected, it was late when Dan finally got home. PJ was asleep when Dan went to his room to go to bed. He was so gitty and blushy he could barely go to bed. He managed to sleep and woke up the next day thinking it was all a dream, a wonderful dream. Dan didn't see PJ in bed so he must have had gotten up early. Dan woke up in his clothes from last night and had his bag at the end of the bed from when he tossed it last night. He remembered that he wasn't supposed to have the armor with him yesterday and quickly tried to put it away. Suddenly PJ was knocking on the door.

PJ: Dan? *knock knock* You awake?
Dan: Y-ya! I'm up! *hurries to put the armor away*
PJ: Well can I come in?
Dan: N-NO!! I'M uh..uh..CHANGING!! YA! THAT!
PJ: Aww come on Dan, we're practically brothers, we've seen each other change! I'm coming in.

As PJ turns the knob, Dan frantically folds the brown wrapping over the armor, ties the string, and quickly puts it under PJ's bed. As soon as PJ opens the door, Dan is standing in the middle of the room, clothes a mess, with a guilty smile on his face, and his hands behind his back. PJ just stands there confused, and slightly concerned.

PJ: Are you ok...?
Dan: PSH!! Ya..I'm perfectly fine! *smiles nervously*
PJ: *weirded out* Ok then... Anways, I made breakfast if you wanted some.
Dan: Ok! I'll be over in just a minute!
PJ: Right...

PJ then closed the door wondering why Dan was so jumpy and In his clothes. PJ also wondered where Dan went yesterday? He did tell Dan not to go to the date yesterday, or anywhere, he must have been training or something. He couldn't just keep Dan from going outside. PJ just ignores it then walks to the kitchen to cook some more food for Dan. As soon as PJ leaves Dan gives a sigh of relief and unwinds a bit. He then looks in the mirror and sees what a mess he was and starts to change. He still was wondering if yesterday was a dream or not, it couldn't have been, he had the clothes on from yesterday and everything, he even had the bag full of his armor. He then starts to get flustered again and his heart starts to thump. Dan needed to see Phil again. He remembered where Phil's bedroom was from where he escaped from last night. He planned on going there tonight to see him again. He finally puts on his regular training outfit and heads to table to eat with PJ. Dan was in a dreamy dase when he sat down and was playing with his food with a smile on his face. PJ just ate his food and looked at Dan confused.

PJ: Dan?
Dan: *lovesick voice* *sigh* Ya~❤
PJ: Where did you go yesterday?
Dan: *snaps out of it and is now nervous* N-No where!! Hahaha!! I just went into..into..TOWN YA.. I just uh..wanted to look aroud that's all!! Haha ya! Oh would you look at the time I need to go BYE!

Dan stands up quickly and races off leaving PJ still eating his breakfast. PJ, thinking his brother is some kind of lunatic, continues to eat his food and shrugs it off. We then quickly go to Phil's room where he is sleeping like a *looks at Phil who's hair is a mess and drooling in a "conferrable" position* angle? (Lol sorry had to) Then within a few seconds of peace, the grand doors to Phil's room are slammed open waking Phil up making and having him fall to the floor. Louise then proudly steps in.

The Prince And The Knight // Phan Fantasy AUWhere stories live. Discover now