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Yo what up nerds!! (Lol sorry) Posts lately have been...ok? I'm not sure, I did have some back up chapters that I need to edit so I just did them and ya. However I'm still in school so that's a thing. I am on Thanksgiving break at the moment while writing this so maybe I'll have some more back-ups so I can upload a bunch at one time. I really don't know what to draw for this chapter so I won't be doing that, sorry. Anyways thank you guys so much for putting up with me and it means a lot to me that some people are actually interested in my trash writing. Ok enough rambling, ON WITH THE CHAPTER!!
The Ball was a magical experience for everyone, especially Dan and Phil. They said the words both of them had been waiting for, "I love you." It's amazing how such three simple words can change everything and mean so much. Dan and Phil were truly happy together and never wanted to leave each other. They wondered if this would last forever. Get married? Have a family? Who knows? Yet someone else they knew was about to expand their family.

A few weeks had passed since the ball, Dan and Phil had been hanging out together as usual. They were basically inseparable! While hanging out, they went on a few dates and you could see that they were meant for each other. However, most times they would hang out with Louise. They were all friends after all. Dan and Phil didn't exactly think they were a couple, they didn't even say they were boyfriends. Everyone however thought they were, it was too soon for them to tell. One day Louise was hanging out with Dan and Phil on her day off. They all went to the training area and sat at the fountain joking and laughing. Louise telling embarrassing stories of both Dan and Phil to make one of them blush. Sometimes one of the boys would flirt with the other.

Phil: Haha, that's amazing!
Dan: Not as amazing as you~ *sexy wink*
Phil: *pushes Dan* Oh shut up you dork! *flustered*
Louise: Both of you are dorks! Haha!

It was all fun and games. Everyone was having a good time. However, Louise seemed to be having too much fun. Her stomach started to hurt, maybe because she was laughing too much? Who knows? She went on laughing but she got another pain in her stomach. Louise stood up and took a deep breath. Dan, who was laughing with Phil, then looked up and saw Louise trying to catch a breath.

Dan: Louise are you ok?
Louise: *heavy breathing* Ya ya ya, I-I'm fine! Just had some dodgey food I guess..
Phil: *turns around* Are you sure Louise, you're sweating..
Louise: Phil, I told you I'm-! *water breaks* fine..
Dan: Uh..*panicked* LoUiSe!
Phil: Did she just wee herself?!?
Dan: No you idiot! Her water just broke, she's going into labor!!!
Phil: Oh my god?!? What do we do?!?

The boys then run around panicking while Louise tries to breathe. Dan then goes over to Louise and tries to do..something! He sits her down at the fountain rubbing her arm to comfort her.

Dan: Uh..Uh..UH..It's gonna be ok Louise..!!
Phil: *running around in the background* WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO?!?!

Dan gets up and grabs Phil and starts to shake him, however, he is still panicking as well.


Louise, now fed up with the boys nonsense, gets up and shakes the both of them.

Louise: Would you two be quiet already?!? I'm having a baby! I'm already stressed as it is! I don't need you two freaking out! *lets go and holds her stomach*
Dan: Ok ok, you're right... We need to think of something... *idea* Phil!
Phil: *blushes* What?!?
Dan: Don't you have a nurse in the castle?
Phil: Y-yes
Dan: Ok, the castle is just up there! You take Louise to the castle and I'll get her husband!
Phil: But her house is so far away! And I'm pretty sure you're not gonna be able to get there in time with how fast you run!
Dan: *jumps on one of the horses in the stables behind them* I'll take a horse! *kisses Phil's cheek and snaps on the reigns* Ya! I love you! Take care of Louise!

The Prince And The Knight // Phan Fantasy AUWhere stories live. Discover now