~Who was He?~

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Before we start I just wanted to say sorry about the last part to whoever read it when it was first published. It had a BUNCH of spelling mistakes, it was 5am ok lol. Anyways I went back and fixed it so you could go back and read it, K BACK TO THE STORY!! Enjoy <3
Both boys, on the ground, sitting up, looking at each other, one almost bright red, the other stunned. What was Dan feeling, he was so lost in this mind space he didn't know what to say or think. Phil still worried of getting caught tries to adjust to what just happened, where could this go? Let's find out.

Dan finally comes back to reality, almost, and stands himself up. He then dusts himself off, checking if his armor got scratched or damaged. Luckily nothing was damaged. He then looks back at the other boy, still on the floor, who was trying to figure out what just happened. Dan then starts to stare, but why? He feels his heart skip a beat, his face then getting hot, and his mind lost in the clouds. Dan quickly snaps out of it helping the other boy up. Phil then stands up and dusts himself off as well. Dan then strikes a conversation, sort of.

Dan: Are-are, you ok?
Phil: Ya I'm fine thanks, I've had worse falls. Sorry for bumping into you, I wasnt looking where I was going, like you said. *nervously looks around for Susan*

Dan starts to stare again, then seeing Phil fix his crown. Dan then snaps out of it and realizes, HE JUST KNOCKED DOWN ONE OF THE PRINCES!! Ashamed of his actions, especially yelling at Phil, kneels down, bowing his head before Phil. He was now fully red and now sweating. Phil finally noticed Dan confused yet still aware he was hiding from Susan.


Dan continues to ramble and apologize making Phil extra nervous. He didn't want Dan to make too much noise to attrack Susan. Phil tries to shoosh him and tell him it's ok but Dan still continued to ramble. Susan's calls then start to get louder, and closer. We then see her shadow come from around the corner. In a panic, Phil then grabs Dan by the hand, jumping into a bush next to the columns holding up the hallway and separating the hallway from the courtyard garden next to it. The boys then stoop down in the large hedges. Dan starts to ask Phil what was happening, but Phil quickly covers Dan's mouth with his hand making a gesture to stay quiet. Dan nods in agreement but his face gets red again because of the fact Phil still had his hand on Dan's mouth. Phil didn't pay attention to that but rather looked  through the leaves to see if he could see Susan. She then is seen passing by the bush looking around the area still calling for Phil.

Susan: Phil!...Phil! Oh where could that boy be?! When I find him, I swear! He always does this! *continues to walk swiftly down the hall still calling for Phil* PHIL!

Susan then turns the corner Dan came from down the hallway. Phil finally takes his hand away from Dan's mouth and peers out from the top of the bush checking to see if the coast was clear. When he saw everything was ok, the two boys come out of the bush (closet maybe lol, anyways). They then were standing in the hallway again now brushing off leaves. Phil not paying attention to Dan continues to fix himself, thinking of another route because Susan had gone down his original and plan A route. While Phil was thinking of one of the many other routes in the castle, Dan secretly was glancing at Phil while he brushed off the leaves stuck in his chainmail, however, he was blushing? Why?! Why was he feeling this way?! Before he could think more into it, Phil began to talk.

Phil: Hey thanks!
Dan: *stutters and blushing while not knowing what was going on, he was caught off guard* I...I...I...-
Phil: Man, Susan always seems to find me! Do you think she can smell my sent? Haha!
Dan: *sweaty and blushy* ...
Phil: Ok...Well I better be going now! See you around!

The Prince And The Knight // Phan Fantasy AUDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora