~The Ball~

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Hello hello hello!! So, my life at the moment, when I'm writing this, is just OH MY GOD! I mean, I'm powering through and everything but I'm secretly stressing on the inside...haha..ANWAYS!! I wish school would end but I still have a while to go sadly. I've been editing the chapters and publishing them more now cuz I have random bursts of editing motivation. So ya.. I'm still writing though so hang in tight while I try and get motivated and deal with school! K enjoy!
After the kiss, Dan and Phil then started to see each other more and more over the next few weeks. They started to build a relationship, a loving relationship. They didn't know what they were, all they knew is that they liked each other. Love? Well who knows. Maybe a ball can help with that, lets see.

We see Dan in his living room with PJ, just hanging out, Dan reading a book on the couch by an author called "John Green", and PJ cleaning up a bit. Dan then hears then clock chime 1pm. He then gets slightly startled and quickly saves his spot in the book, then putting it on the coffee table. As he's running out the door, PJ quickly stops him.

PJ: Hey, where are you off to?
Dan: Oh, just to town *grabs his bag from the coat hanger*
PJ: To town, again? You've been going into to town for the past few weeks, is something going on?

PJ never knew that Dan went to go see Phil for their first date. He thought Dan just listened to him and stayed home. The next day when Dan came back and said he just went to town, PJ belived him and didn't think anything of it. Now Dan was going to town almost every week, and PJ started to get suspicious.

Dan: No, nothing is going on! *a bit nervous now*
PJ: Are you sure, you always go and never come back with anything.
Dan: Well..I don't want to spend alot of money, that's all!
PJ: Dan..
Dan: *sigh* Do you really want to know?
PJ: Yes!
Dan: Are you sure..?
PJ: Yes Dan! You can't just keep secrets from me!
Dan: Alright, sit down.

PJ then sits down and Dan then tells him everything. PJ isn't disappointed, but rather in shock. He never knew Dan had a whole other life basically, and that he really was in love. All he really knew before was that Dan had a crush on the prince, this was all something new. PJ understood why Dan would keep this from him. He wasn't even mad that Dan took the armor or did go along with the plan to meet Phil.

Dan: So that's basically it. I'm sorry I kept this from you PJ, I should have told you...
PJ: It's alright Dan.
Dan: Really?
PJ: Ya, I understand why you wouldn't want to tell me, but hey, you can tell me anything! I'm not Dad!
Dan: Haha, you're right. As a matter of fact...
PJ: Yes..I won't tell him. He won't be back for another few weeks anyways.
Dan: Thanks PJ. Ummm..so..about the whole, me seeing Phil thing, I actually have to-
PJ: Go Dan.
Dan: Thanks PJ! I'll see you later!
PJ: Alight, be safe.

Dan grabs his bag where it was now placed on the coffee table and runs out the door. PJ, who was on the couch, then shakes his head, gives a smirk, and laughs.

PJ: Ha..that lover boy.

We see Phil who was now climbing down the vines and jumping off them to then land on the floor, quickly running into the tunnel system. We then see inside to Louise who was giving Susan many excuses to not see Phil and do something else.

Susan: Are you sure Phil is feeling poorly? He was fine yesterday.
Louise: Oh ya..very poorly, coughing, sneezing, oh he's a mess! I'll take care of him for you though!
Susan: Are you sure love?
Louise: Oh ya..I'll be fine! You just go and get some work done for the Ball! Its in a few days ya know.
Susan: Oh alright, hopefully that boy gets better soon, don't want him sick for that day.
Louise: Haha..ya..

The Prince And The Knight // Phan Fantasy AUWhere stories live. Discover now