~It was never going to happen anyways!~

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Ah! Since the last time I've posted, alot of people have read this story AND LOVED IT! I mean it's ok but wow! Im so glad you all are enjoying it and the feedback is amazing! I really appreciate it! While writing this, it's my last few days of vacation and I'm sad one because, school, and also I wont be able to write as much so ya. I'll try and make a schedule or something idk. Ok enough blabber, to the story!!

With the new Princess, Cat, now being a friend and not an enemy, the two began to come up with ways of how to get out of this planned wedding. Dan on the other hand, spent days depressed, heartbroken. PJ would try and try to cheer up his brother, but nothing would work. However, PJ's one idea may cause another trial on his brother's heart.


Dan, his heart now practically dust, spent days just lounging around the house, never going outside, crying for hours. Word got around about the wedding and it seemed like the whole town was mocking him.

News Man: *outside of the house* Hear ye! Hear ye! The wedding of Prince Phillip and Princess Cat is said to be-
PJ: *hears the News Man while passing by the window and throws a book at him*
News Man: Gah!
PJ: Hey I told you to get out of here with that stuff!! Now get out of here or I'll get more books!!
News Man: Ah!! *runs away*
PJ: *sigh*

PJ then walks to his and Dan's room where Dan is curled up in the corner of his bed in a blanket, staring at his doodle page of Phil.

Dan: *sigh*
PJ: Dan..?
Dan: *quickly puts paper away* ...Is that stupid News Man gone?...
PJ: Yes...
Dan: Thanks PJ... Ugh! I feel like this whole town is against me right now.. I just want it to end...

Dan starts to cry a little and PJ goes and comforts him.

PJ: Shh.. It's ok Dan.. It's gonna be ok..

Weeks have passed and the wedding was in 1 day now. PJ still kept trying to take care of Dan, scaring the News Man to the point he stopped coming, throwing away fliers, closing the curtains to not see the giant banners all over town, and overall getting rid of anything dealing with the wedding. Even though PJ would get rid of all these things, there was one thing he couldn't get rid of: Dan's love for Phil. Dan, even though heartbroken, still loved Phil, his laugh, his smile, his personality, just everything, he couldn't get rid of! So 1 day before the wedding, PJ and Dan went to the training area, and PJ had a plan.

Dan: PJ.. why did you drag me out here..?
PJ: Come on Dan! You need fresh air! You've been in the house for way too long, and you haven't trained in ages! I'm beginning to think you're not a good fighter anymore!
Dan: You know that's not true!
PJ: Well ok then *picks up a sword and throws one to Dan*  lets see whatcha got!

The two of them duel till the sun is about to set, however, it looks like it's about to rain. PJ didn't have much time now, he needed to execute his plan: making Dan forget about Phil.

*The two sword to sword*
Dan: Ha! *pushes PJ back who then goes on top of one of the stables*
PJ: Ya know Dan, I was thinking.. *goes after Dan as they thrash swords*
Dan: Ya?
PJ: Well it's just a crazy thought but maybe.. I don't know.. you should.. forget about Phil?..
*Dan then steps back and lowers his sword*
Dan: ...what...
PJ: Well I mean, you keep moping around about him, and he's already getting married anways so..!
Dan: What..what are you saying?...
PJ: I'm saying..just forget about him! Move on!
*rain starts to slowly fall*
Dan: I can't just do that PJ! I still love him!
PJ: Come on Dan! I've gotten my heart broken before! It's best just to move on, I know exactly what you're going through!
Dan: *Dan's grip on his sword tightens and tears start to fall* You have no idea what I'm going through!

Dan then charges at PJ who quickly blocks Dan's attack. They start to fight, not as playful as before. The rain starts to pour harder and the two start to fight on top of the stables.

PJ: Come on Dan! You need to stop kidding yourself! He doesn't love you anymore!
Dan: *tears full of anger* *takes a pause* H-He loves me! ... You're lying!

Dan then tackles PJ so he is now lying at the edge of the roof. Dan now has his sword to PJ's throat, and PJ struggles to keep it away. The rain soon turns into a thunder storm. PJ was now enraged and says what he was thinking all along.


Dan then stands up and drops his sword, shocked. PJ gets up and tries to catch his breath, but keeps talking. Both soaking wet.

PJ: Did you really think you two were going to get married! Dan, come on! You are a guard, he's a prince! There is no way this could have worked out! You had your whole life planned out for you and so did Phil!
Dan: ...
PJ: Me on the other hand, I don't! I just had to be worse than you! Dad wanted you to be head guard, not me! Yet you meet this one guy and are willing to give everything up! You had your life planned out for you Dan! It's best you just forget about Phil and move on! It's NEVER going to happen!

Dan couldn't think that his heart could break more.. but it just did. PJ, his brother, a person he trusted since the beginning, just betrayed him. The two stood on the roof for a moment, soaking wet, rain still falling, Dan taking a step back.

PJ: Dan..?
Dan: *another step* ...
PJ: Dan.

Dan takes another step, turns around, and slides off the roof and into a hay pile. He takes off running down the cobbled road, PJ quickly running after him.

PJ: Dan! Dan I'm sorry! Come back!

Dan didn't hear him though. He just kept running, tears in eyes. PJ finally stopped at the end of the cobbled road when it finally reaches the town and watches Dan disappear into it. Dan still running, sees the huge banners hung on every building and tries to ignore them. He turns every corner, trying to get away from them, however, they're everywhere. People try and hand him flyers and goodies but he just ignores them and keeps running. Dan finally comes to the main court yard where 4 huge banners are hung, surrounding the court yard. He stands and stares at them, full of tears and disbelief. Dan had no where to go, no one to turn to, no one he could trust. He couldn't escape. However, there was one person, Louise. Even though she was busy taking care of a baby and Dan knew not to bother her, he needed someone. Dan started to run in the direction of Louise's house. We then see Dan finally run out of town and was now on the road towards Louise's house. Then we find Cat and Phil in his bedroom, full of papers. Cat sat on Phil's bed and Phil pacing the floor. They hadn't come up with a way to stop the wedding. They didn't have much time as well. They had no more ideas. They had nothing.

Phil: Maybe we could-! No.. Or maybe-! No... Ugh! No! There has to be a way out of this! ... *continues to ramble and be stressed*
Cat: *sighs* Phil..-
Phil: -We have to find something!
Cat: Phil-
Phil: -There has to!-
Cat: Phil!

Phil then stops in his tracks and looks over at Cat, still worried.

Cat: ..There's nothing we can do...
Phil: But we!-
Cat: Face the facts Phil! We've tried everything!
Phil: ...
Cat: We can't do anything else.. We... We have to go through with this...
Phil: *tears start to form*
Cat: I'm..I'm sorry Phil...

Phil sat on the bed and looked at the floor and started to feel the tears roll down his cheeks. He then put his hands over his face and started to cry. Cat hugged him from the side and tried to comfort him while the rain poured outside. However, it didn't help. They were now both defeated.

There really was nothing they could do...


Welp that's the end I hope you enjoyed-! Haha no, I'm not THAT mean! Hahaha..ha..plz don't kill me. Anyways, like I said in the beginning, I am going to be returning to school so these might not come out fast enough.. I really wish that wasn't the case but I do need education. So just bare with me. Hopefully I do make a schedule or something and I'll be able to write more! For now, bed time! Im sleepy.

K Bai! ❤

tweet tweet - @addy2424panda

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