~Arranged What?! (Telling Dan..)~

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It has been SO SO long since I've written anything and I feel bad! I was busy all of December drawing GamingMas (Phil senpai did notice and I died) and also finals so ya! I had some of my friends yell at me to get me motivated so ya...(thanks Carson). Also, sorry for not uploading as frequently as I used to, I just get busy and don't have that much motivation in me. Don't get me wrong, I love writing this, but some times I don't have a lot of creative juice. I'm writing this on Christmas Break so I have time and what not. Ok, stop talking Addy, BACK TO THE STORY!!

How was Phil going to tell Dan? He wondered this for a week, trying to find the right words that wouldn't break Dan's heart. He wrote on many pieces of paper, many crumpled on the floor, in the waste basket, and on his desk. He couldn't run to Louise, she was taking care of her new baby. Phil had to work this out on his own. Finally, on a Friday afternoon, Phil walked over to Dan's house, to tell him the heartbreaking news.

It was a gloomy day, no sun in the sky, just dark gray clouds. Phil knew where to go because Dan's father was head Guard. He simply asked Susan where it was saying that "he wanted be sure that the princess was going to be kept safe at all times".

Susan: But the head Guard wont be back for a while, he's still with your parents.
Phil: Then I'll just ask for someone there to leave me a message.

It was hard for Phil to come up with an excuse, but he had everything planned out. He finally arrived. Phil stood in the middle of the hallway, staring at the house from a distance. He had already passed the training area where the fountain was, where he laughed with Dan and Louise, where Dan knew what to do and rode off, where Phil fell more in love with him. He finally snapped back to reality and gave a shiver. As Phil approached the door, he went to knock but stopped. Fist still in the air, right in front of the wood, he was shaking. A tear was about to form when he finally calmed himself down. Phil had to do this. He knocked on the door.

PJ: *opens door* Hello- Oh my.. P-Prince Phillip! *bows* Please come in!
Phil: No, I really shouldn't-
PJ: Oh no really I insist!

PJ drags Phil in and sits him down on the couch.

PJ: Uh, would you like anything Prince Phillip, uh tea?
Phil: Um, no thank you. I was actually..looking for Dan..is he here?
PJ: Dan..? *realization* Ooh.. Dan.. *slight smirk* I'll be right back, he's just in the other room.

PJ walks over to Dan and his shared room where Dan is reading a book. Phil being left in the living area can hear everything coming from the other room.

*muffled talking*
PJ: Ooh Danny~
Dan: What.
PJ: Someone is here to see you~
Dan: Who?
PJ: ...Prince Phillip...
*crashing sound (Dan fell off the bed)*
Phil: ...
Dan: *whispers* *flustered* PJ! I'm in my underwear!
Phil: ...! (•///•)
PJ: Then get dressed then!

PJ then comes back and sticks his head out from the hallway entrance.

PJ: He'll be a minute.

Finally after a few minutes, Dan comes out dressed with a blushy smile on his face.
Dan: Uh..H-Hi Phil..
Phil: Hi Dan, uh I actually need to talk with you for a minute *sees PJ* a-alone.
Dan: Uh..Ok sure!
PJ: Have fun you two! Don't be out late!

The boys then go back to the castle, on top of the roof. It was even more gloomy now. Phil sat in silence, not looking at Dan, trying to build up a courage to tell him. Trying not to cry. Dan just looked at Phil, wondering why both of them were not talking. Was it the awkward date they had last time? He didn't know, however, he waited for Phil to talk. After a long silence Phil blurted out...

Phil: I'm getting married! *silence*

Dan feels a sharp pain in his chest, he feels water around his eyes, but tried to keep his tears in.

Dan: *soft voice* what..
Phil: M-my brother, stopped his quest for finding a bride. I'm second heir to the throne a-and because of this... I have to marry someone.
Dan: ...
Phil: My parents already sent a princess who should be arriving soon...
Dan: *knees cradled up to his face* ...oh...

They sat in silence, Phil was too choked up to say anything else even though he wanted to say that he loved Dan and didn't want to marry anyone else but him...but nothing. They didn't look at each other, they just sat there.

Phil: *choked up and soft* I'm sorry..

Dan had gotten up so suddenly, not looking at Phil, and started to climb down. Phil watched him go, slightly reaching towards Dan as his head disappeared. As Phil had his hand out, he felt a drop. Then another, 'till it started to pour. Dan was now walking in the hallway not looking back. As he walked back, he sat on the fountain, soaking wet.

Dan couldn't tell his tears from the rain...


I'm so so so sorry!! I had to! Not really but ah, plot!! Thanks to my friend Dominique who suggested that last line, it was so good I had to write it in. Also I'll try and write more, 2018 resolution, and yes I'm writing this late in my break I'm sorry lol. K I'm gonna go now, hope you like this!


I tweet stuff- @addy2424panda

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