Part Three Returning Home

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Ally POV

I walked out of the glass sliding doors, my suit case following behind me. The air was thick or at least for me it was, maybe I was nervous. I would be living on my own in a city full of heroes and villains at the ripe age of 15. But also I would be attending U.A high school as a student of class 1 A.

I held my hand out and hailed a taxi. Soon one finally stopped I front of me and let me in.

"Where to miss" The driver asked politely.

"234 river bank crest" I replied putting headphones in an playing some music.


"That will be 50 yen" He said and I handed him the money and got out. The house in front of me wasn't to big or to small, it was perfect. I made my way to the door and placed the metal key into the lock.

"Hello miss, I'm sorry the place isn't fully done but I was in a rush" A woman said as soon as I opened the door.

"Um I'm sorry but who are you" I asked tilting my head.

"Oh your aunt didn't tell you. I will be taking care of you during your stay in Japan" She said bowing.

"Please don't bow, I'm not your superior" I said waving franticly.

"Anyway miss your room is down the hall, third door on the right" She smiled and bowed.

"Please stop bowing and calling me miss" I sulked. I dragged my bag down the hall until a reached a white door with Ally written across it in cursive. Once I opened it I was shocked, the walls were a dark navy blue with little waves painted in white. There was a queen sized bed in against the far wall in the center, with aqua sheets and bedding. There was a birch wood dresser and desk near placed neatly in the room. To be honest it made me feel at home, well mostly.


"You should go out and look around since you start school tomorrow" Anna said clearing off the table.

" I know my aunt hired you to watch me but I don't need your advice" I said walking towards my room.

"Yeah well then it's not advice it's more like an order" She replied with sass. I really wish my aunt hadn't give her permission to order me around. I quickly went to my room and changed into some skinny jeans and a black and white striped T shirt. I threw on my light brown leather jacket and black heeled boots as I past the door.

"I'll be back later" I yelled walking out the door. The house my aunt bought was quite close to down town so I decided to go shopping and pass by the school. The sidewalks were pretty crowded, well more packed then England usually is. All of a sudden a man bumped into me and pushed me into the street. I just sat there unaware of what was going on for a few seconds until someone grabbed my wrist and pulled me up.

"Are you okay" They asked blandly. I looked up and saw a boy about my age with half white hair and half red hair.

"Yeah I'm fine just a little shock. I still don't know what happened" I replied scratching the back of my nape.

"Well someone bumped into you and you fell into the street" He said finally letting go of my wrist.

"Well thank you very much" I said bowing my head a little. "Oh by the way my names Kenna Ally" I said holding out my hand.

"Todoroki Shouto" He replied shaking my hand.

"Well it was a pleasure to meet you Todoroki" I said continuing to walk. I don't know there was something about him, but knowing the size of this city the odds of us meeting again are slim.


"Hurry up your going to be late" Anna yelled from down stairs. Great just great. I finished putting on my uniform and threw my hair up in a ponytail. I quickly rushed to the door and grabbed my bag and slipped my feet into my shoes.

"Bye Anna I'm off" I yelled before slipping out the door. I'll be late if I run or called a taxi so I might as well use my quirk. The next thing I knew I was standing in front of U.A and was walking towards the doors. Nobody I saw stood out but these people are the best of the best I need to remember that. I finally made it to my class room, class 1 A. I opened the door and closed it behind me. What I saw surprised me quite a bit. These people were very loud, outgoing and flashy. I took a seat by the window in the back row and set my stuff down.

"So it seems you got into U.A as well. I didn't know you were training to be a hero" A voice said as I turned around. I looked and saw Todoroki sitting beside me.

"Maybe because you just met me yesterday for like 2 minutes" I replied with sass.

"I see" Was all he said before turning back to whatever he was doing. Jerk much.

"Wear these immediately" A lazy voice said from the front of the room. There was a man with long black hair holding a gym uniform, he must be our home room teacher.


We were all standing in the field in the uniforms given to us, they were quite nice actually.

"A quick apprehension test" Sensei said broadly.

"What about the ceremony and guidance consoler meeting" A very bubbly girl asked.

"If you all want to be pro heroes, we have no time for frilly niceties. You all understand the schools reputation for freedom on campus. Well that freedom goes for the sensei's as well" He said and we all sweat dropped. He then explained a few activities we will be doing like in middle school. He got this boy named Bakugo to throw a softball and compare it to his score in middle school. Of course using his quirk he gets a lot farther then usual.

"The student who ranks last will be expelled" Sensei said darkly.

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