Part Eight Prepare and Mall Day

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Ally POV

"Aren't you excited" Momo asked me.

"Somewhat yeah it took over the Olympics for Japan it has to be cool right" I asked.

"You mean you've never seen it" Momo asked shocked.

"Yeah I mean I've lived in England since I was 6 you know" I said looking down.

"Well with your quirk your sure to do good" She assured.

"Okay whatever you say" I said starting to eat my food.

"Hey Ally can I talk with your for a second" Shouto said up behind me.

"Sure, I'll be back Momo" I said standing up and following him. He lead me into an empty classroom. "So what did you want" I asked sitting on one of the desks.

"I wanted to tell you something I found out" He said nervously.

"Okay go for it" I said sweetly.

"I think I found out who your parents are" He blurted out. My face went red, I was shocked.

"Before you even say who you think they are, tell me how you found out" I said calming down slightly.

"Well my father was going over records of the students in my class, when he came across you. a scowl covered his face as he read it and then he moved on" He explained. "So then I thought maybe he had something against you or your parents, so I looked up any quirks that were close to yours. All I found were two villains named Luna and Blaze" He finished.

"Well then welcome to the club of keeping that secret" I said standing up. "The only members are me, Momo, the teachers here and you" I said getting in his face. "Understand" I said backing away.

"Understand" He gulped.

"Now I have to get back to my lunch" I said sweetly again. I walked back to the lunch room and took my seat again.

"What was that about" Momo asked.

"Oh he just found out who my parents were" I said coolly.

"He what" Momo almost yelled.

"Don't worry he won't be telling any one" I said some what darkly.

"That's a little scary" Momo admitted.

"I was raised by villains till the age of 6, I can be scary" I whispered deeply.

"Please stop that" Momo said with a bit of a high pitch.

"Okay" I said going back to my sweet self.

"I swear to god your bipolar or something" she mutter under her breath.


I wiped my hand across my face pulling the sweat off and guiding it to the ground. This training has been taking it's toll on me, I need a few days to rest before the festival.

"Miss there are a few people here to see you" Anna said from the door way.

"I see, I'm on my way' I said walking towards the house. Who the heck would people come at this time. Even for Momo this is odd. I walked to the front hall way and saw Momo, Uraraka, Midorya and Shouto.

"So what are you four doing here" I asked casually.

"We wanted to know if you'll like to come hang out with us" Momo said smiling.

"Sure just let me go change out of my training clothes" I said walking towards my room. I quickly changed into some street clothes. (Photo below)

"Okay let's go" I said walking back to the group

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"Okay let's go" I said walking back to the group.

"Your really not going to ask where were going" Midorya asked.

"Whenever Momo and I go places she never tells me where, I just trust her judgement" I said closing the door behind me.

"Well that's kind of exciting don't you think" Uraraka said skipping.

"Ya some what, she just doesn't listen to me so I stopped telling her" Momo explained.

"What" I said jokingly.

"You better be joking" Momo sighed. I just laughed at her.

"You two are being a little quite" I said nudging Midorya and Shouto.

"Well it's because you keep talking" Momo complained.

"Says the one who just answered for them" I smirked, knowing I just won that future argument.

"Whatever" Momo huffed

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