Part Four Quirk Test

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(This chapter is short and was poorly written at 10:30 pm)

Ally POV

"Go" Sensei yelled. I quickly turned into moon light and teleported across the finish line.

"1.02 seconds" sensei as I crossed. "3.04 seconds" sensei yelled again after the second person crossed.

"Your quite fast with your quirk" I said stand beside him.

"You are as well. My name is Iida Tenya" He said pushing his glasses up.

"Ally Kenna" I replied with a smile.


I look down at the small machine that would tell me my grip strength. The tiny screen read 76 kg on it.


After what just happened with that Midorya kid everyone was in shock. It was now my turn to throw the softball. I gripped it tightly and got in positon. My movements were fluent but swift as I let the rays of the moon carry it, so no one saw.

"Another infinity" Sensei said with a tried tone. I ignored the shocked faces and returned to the crowd. I didn't do my best since I just got here so I probably got 3rd or 4th.

"Time to present the results, oh and by the way that exploitation thing was a lie" Sensei said and everyone became shocked yet again. "It was a logical ruse to pull out your best performance" He explained. I get it to make sure we actually tried he put up stakes.

I looked at the results and was quite shocked myself but I didn't let it show on my face. I got first, how I barely used my quirk. Whatever it doesn't matter it's a quirk evaluation not a real situation.   

"So it seems you got first" Todoroki said coming to stand beside me.

"Ya I think anyone who can read can see that" I said rolling my eyes.

"Really so you were just acting when you got pushed into the street by a stranger" He asked me with a curious look.

"Nope I may have a powerful quirk but I am very clumsy" I said with a smile.

"Now that explains it" He said as if he connected to puzzle pieces together.

"What's that suppose to mean" I asked.

"Anyone who can hear would know" He said with sass in his voice.

"Wow just wow" Is all I said before I turned around.

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