Part Eleven Why

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Ally POV

"Typically the results are more balance, but this year all the attention leaned towards three of you" Sensei said. I looked at the board shocked, I had 5,879 votes. That was 1,756 more then Todoroki. Speaking of him he hasn't talked to me since the sports festival since he kissed me.

"Kenna" Midnight called me to the front, I turned my paper over and showed my hero name.

"Tsuki, why that" Midnight questioned me.

"It was a nickname when I was younger" I muttered.

"Okay it works sit down" Se said and I left.


Momo POV

I grabbed his wrist and dragged him to where I told Ally to meet me.

"Where are you taking me" He asked.

"You'll find out" Was all I said. I opened he door and pushed him inside. "You don't get to kiss my best friend and then ignore her" I said slamming the door behind me.

Shouto POV

I was blushing bright pink on my cheeks.

"I'm sorry for what I did it was uncalled for" I started but was cut off when she kissed me. When she pulled away she was blushing as well.

"Would you like to go on a date with me" I stuttered softly.

"Yes I would" She smiled.


The day after me and Shouto went on our date I was on a train going to Hosu city. That same night we decided to start dating, but no one knew. Iida was sitting beside me, he was acting strange.

"Iida what's wrong" I asked turning to him.

"I'm fine" He said with a fake smile.

"I know your faking, this has something to do with your brother doesn't it" I said looking dead into his eyes.

"Like you would know" He muttered in a sharp tone.

"I would, the hero from Brittan that died that night was my aunt" I said softly. His face showed pure shock.

"I'm sorry" He spoke blandly.


I stood outside the door and knocked softly. It opened to reveal a well built man in his mid 20's.

"You must be the student from Yuuei come with me" The man said leading me through the building.

"Boss the students here" The man said.

"Let her in" The voice said behind the door. "Cousin how are you" The hero Kasai said from behind his desk.  

"Fine and you" I asked smiling slightly. Kasum was my aunts son, he became the pro hero Kasai 4 years ago, and now he has his own agency.

"Well welcome, were about to head out so go get change.


"We just got a call, the hero killer is lose were suppose to find him" Kasum yelled. "Do you still have your licence Ally" He asked turning to me.

"Yeah I do, why" I questioned.

"You'll be taking the back alley ways, press the button on the bracelet I gave you, if you find him" He said taking off. Well here goes nothing.

I started running down the alley ways and still no luck. Then my phone dinged, Midoriya just shared his location. That's odd he wasn't suppose to be in Hosu city, he must have made contact with the hero killer. I've got to go, but he's on the other side of town I've got to hurry.  


I'm finally here, I looked down from the roof top I was on, I saw Iida, Midoriya, Shouto and another pro hero. I jumped down and punched him sending him flying back.

"Ally you to" Iida muttered.

"The agency I was at sent me to help fin this guy, I just followed what Midoriya sent out. Don't worry the pro heroes will be coming" I said gaining my balance.

"Ally don't let him taste your blood he can freeze you" Midoriya shouted to me. The hero killer came at me and threw a knife that just missed my face, I melt a metallic presence above my head so I stepped right, as a sword fell at my feet.

"You seem familiar, like I've seen you before" He said running at me again. I vaulted above him and pushed his head down into the ground.  Of course he would recognize me from my parents.


Shouto's ice wall shattered as the hero killer approached. I reached my arm out in front of him.

"Ally" He yelled as the sword made impact. I brought my hand down breaking the sword as it slipped out of the wound.

"It's pointless" He said licking the sword. While his guard was down I ran up and punched him.

"Ally how are you still able to move" Midoriya asked me. I lifted up my arm to show nothing, not even a scar.

"I turned part of my arm into water" I explained.


After the boys big freak out Tsuragamae asked to speak with me outside.

"You understand no effect will come to your license, you may claim the credit if you chose. If you don't want it, Endeavor will be covering" He explained.    

"Give the boys the credit and take away my license, I could have told them stop but I didn't" I said smirking.

"Fine" Was all he said. I nodded and walked back to the room.

"It's unfair that we took him down and we don't get the credit, right Ally" Midoriya asked as I walked in.

"About that, I talked to him and that's not the case" I said smiling.

"What do you mean" Iida and Shouto asked me.

"Well I didn't say anything, but back in England I got my hero license. So you'll get full credit but my license suspended" I explained.

"You can't do that" Midoriya shouted.

"Yes I can" I replied.

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