Part Seven Sick and A Field Trip

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Ally POV

"So in the end Iida ended up being president" Momo concluded.

"Wow of course I chose to be sick when something like that happens" I laugh.

"Well It's not like you chose to or any thing" She laughed with me. "Well I have to go feel better" She said grabbing her coat and heading for the door.

"Thanks" Was all I said before going back to sleep.


After I finished getting ready I teleported inside the classroom. I sat down in my desk and pulled out my book.

"When did you get here" Todoroki asked.

"I've been here for a while" I said sarcastically.

"Whoa it was just a question Kenna" He said defensively.

"You can just call me Ally I don't really like being called by my last name" I said with a bored expression. I saw him blush lightly before he spoke.

"Well you can call me Shouto then" He said the blush fading.

"Okay then" Was all I said before continuing to read.


We all sat on the bus heading off for training. I sat beside Momo as we laughed about all of their unruly behaviour.

"What are you to laughing at" Bakugo yelled at me and Momo.

"Oh nothing "Momo replied slyly.

"Really I'll come over there and slap you" He yelled again.

"Now, now being hot headed is not a good trait for a hero" I said in a mocking voice.

"We're almost there settle down already" Sensei yelled.


"This is a practical training area I created, to simulate all kinds of accidents and disasters, and it's name is. The ultimate space for jams" The suited hero said kindly. (By the way I looked up Thirteen's gender and it is unknown so I will try to avoid pronouns)

Knowing my limits I will be best suited where there's fire and water. Midoriya and Uraraka started fawning over Thirteen like they were a piece of candy. I wasn't really listening until a black hole appeared out of no where. Then this creepy head with a hand covering it's face stuck out.

"Huddle together and don't move" Sensei yelled.

"Thirteen protect the students" He yelled again. There was now so many of them, I couldn't even count. Everyone started freaking out, I couldn't even make out what they were saying. All I knew was these people were villains and this couldn't end well.

The chaos only got worse as people began to understand the current situation. Everyone was so stressed it was hard to even understand what they were saying. Then out of no where Kirashima and Bakugo decided to charge into action without a plan what so ever. Even worst they got quite cocky about it.

"You will be scattered, and tortured and slain. Everyone" A deep voiced boomed as a black cloud covered us. Next thing I knew I was falling from the sky into the land slide zone. Before I could hit the ground I shot fire for my hands so I'd flip and land on my feet.

"Ah look a little girl all alone with nothing but a fire quirk" A voice said darkly. I looked around me and saw I was surrounded by villains.

"To bad and she's a cute one to" Another one said. That's it, if these people are going to be creeps I'm not waiting for them to attack. I opened my palm and blew fire at the ground around me making them have to jump in the air. I Then got a ray of sun light and blasted it, hitting everyone single one of them.

"I better find my way out, or anyone else who is here" I muttered to myself. I walked with a steady pace, scanning the area carefully. As I got closer to the main area I saw ice covering the ground. So Shouto is here as well, well I hope he handled the villains over here.

As I kept walking I was shocked, but I didn't show it on my face. Every villain in sight was frozen solid.

"Ally so you got sent her to" Shouto said making eye contact with me.

"Yeah I ended up being surrounded, and then I took care of them" I said walking towards him.

"There's no way both of you are just kids" I heard one mutter under his breath. I just looked back at him and glared.

"We should probably go help the others since this is done here" I said returning my gaze to Shouto.

"Yea" Was all he said before he started walking away.

"Wait, I have a faster way" I said running up beside him.

"What is it" He asked raising his eyebrow. I grabbed his shoulder, turned into moonlight and teleported to the center, where Kirashima and Bakugo were.

"Told you I had a faster way" I said smirking.

"What the hell how did you two get here" Bakugo yelled.

"That doesn't matter, shouldn't we help them" I said pointing at the scene in front of us. All of a sudden Bakugo ran forward to attack, followed by Kirashima.

"We should go" Todoroki said. I nodded slightly and followed the other two. I stood there studying the situation, and waiting for the right moment to apply my services.


"Can you believe what happened today" Momo asked me.

"Yeah to think they snuck into to campus un noticed just to destroy All Might" I said thinking.

'I didn't get a close look at them" Momo said looking at me.

"I was right there and I felt every drop of malicious intent. And they were so prepared it made no sense at all" I said looking her in the eyes.

"Well I hate to bring it up, but out of the class you would know" Momo explained.

"Yeah" Was all I said.

"Hey why don't you sleepover at my house tonight" Momo asked cheerfully.

"I'll ask Anna" I replied sweetly.

"Okay see you in 10" Momo said walking away.

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