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Rays POV--------

News, magz,  tumblr, facebook, twitter, she was all over it. She was not going by her nickname ''KayKay''. She was famous, a superstar. Out of my reach.

I took a breath and went through my phone. I found her number. After major percasination, I called her.

''Hello?'' her sweet voice said. She still had the same phone number and everything. ''...Hi'' I managed to say. '' Spiker, I said i will talk to you after I get done with my new song on  piano!'' she yelled. ''Spiker? Who? Nevermind. This is RayRay.'' I explained. ''.......'' Thats all I heard from the other line. Who was Spiker?  What was her new song about? So many thought going through my head. I got a major headache.

I went through her information on my phone.

Name: Anabna 

Bussiness: None

Number of calls :24.

I smiled at the number 24, her favorite number. Her profile picture was a purple rainbow unicorn, her favorite animal. God, I miss her. 

I didn't have much longer to think. My mom burst through my door.

''RayRay, get yo ass dress and get in the car.'' She yelled finding me cloths.

''What? Mom is 12:00 at night!!'' I argued back. I wasn't in the mood.

''Get your ass in the car, NOW!'' she yelled back. Moms get the final word.

I saw my mother pull up to this tall building. There were a few kids there, but not many. I heard conversations such as : ''They didn't pick me.''  and ''Did you get in?''. All boys were here. Where was I?

My mom lead me to this room. A tall,slinder woman with black lips spoke to me.

''Hello! How are you?'' She asked 

''Good'' was my reply. Where was I?

''Ok, please answer these questions and Dave will be right with you'' she explained looking through a type of list.




''January 6th''

''Stage name/ Nick name?''




What the hell is this? Quizzbowl? 

''Go right in'' the black lip woman instructed. I done as told. My mother was cheering for me. 

I looked around the room. I saw Walter Millslap. He worked with some nice artist like Beyonce. I also spotted Dave Scott in the corner of the room. He began to speak to me.

''What song will you dance to for us today?'' He asked.

I was going to dance? Wow. I said the first song I though about.

''This is why I'm hot'' 

''By Mims?'' he asked with a smile.

''Yes'' I said as he pushed play.

I used anger. I used happiness. I used sadness. I used every emotion i have been feeling and put in my moves. I got into it.

''You made it'' Walter said 

''Made what?''

''The group! We still thinking of a name though'' 

''How about One Direction'' The black lip lady said. Someone get her some carmex.

''No, good name, but no'' Walter said

''Kisses and hugs?'' she tried again.

Walter did not reply. He got up and began to bang his head into a wall and mutter something. 

''What are you tring to do? Become mindless?'' The Black lip lady said


''Great, I will inform the other 3 members. You will meet them tomorrow'' She told me.

''You may leave''

I left. 

I was now famous. 

I was famous.


Colors of the Wind A Mindless Behavior Story      *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now