I almost lost you. I will do all I can to keep you

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I raised the gun to my face. My hand was shacking. I placed my finger on the trigger. The only song that could be heard was the sond my computer makes when more hurtful things are sworn into my mentions. More lies. In my head those lies slowly morph into the truth. I was worthless. I was a bitch. I was a hoe. I was everything the said of me. I believed it.

I closed my eyes. I stood straight up and tall. Ready. 

I pulled the trigger.

My eyes flung open. I was still alive. 

I pulled it once again out of anger and fustration. Nothing. So I pulled the trigger once again. Nothing. I was still alive.

I flung the gun down in fustration. With that, it began to shoot. They bullets flung out. One for every time I shot. I jumped back screaming.

Ray burst through the door faster than lighing. ''Are you ok?! What happened!'' he yelled. He was half scared to death.

I fell into his arms. ''Look at my computer Ray! Look!''  i pointed to my mentions as he clicked on it. I snatched the computer and began to read some comments I had gotten. They  brought tears to his eyes as well. 

''And look this is my favorite one! I got this from Beyonce her self! Yea the woman I went on tour with!''

I read the comment outload. 

'' Damn, She may have talent but she don't have a heart. Fool I'd be Damned to let hear NEAR Blue! ''. I threw my labtop and ran into the bathroom. He ran after me holding my arm down. 

''Its going to be ok you hear me? Everything would get better. I swear.'' he wispered into my ear. We both knew good and damn well it wasn't going to be ok. 

I just sat there crying until i fell asleep.

The next morning.------------------------------

I woke up at 7:00 in Rays arms.  I was in the bed instead of the bathroom. I checked my phone. I had a few text. They all were from Spiker.

''Baby! I saw you on the news! :(''

''Baby! We din't get to have a good time''

''Baby, How is that Ray kid treating you.?''

How did he know I was with Ray? I began to compose a text back to him. ''Why would you think I was with Ray?'' I got an instant reply. '' Nice apartment he has to, very expensive! I never seen one this big!'' How the hell? What the hell? WHO the hell?!!  I woke Ray up and let him read my messages.

'' Look baby, I won't let him hurt you again! I swear!'' He said pulling me into an intense hug. He pulled away and looked at me. '' I have to do something'' He said going into the bathroom with his cellphone. I listen to his convo. I knew it was wrong but i needed to know, how did the press find all that? 

''Yea Dasi? I have to break up with you ok?.....Yeah.....Yeah......Yep.. Ok Great. Bye'' He walked out and found me straining to listen. I began to cry. '' Listen, before you ask, Dasi is my OLD girlfriend. I saw her cheating on my and jsut broke up with her'' he explained . I just looked at him.

''Did you think I would throw a fit and run out just so you can run after  me and we could kiss in the rain?'' He just looked at me. ''Well I would but I have nowherelse to go or anyone to run to. The whole world hates me. You are the only one that gives a care.'' I said walking over to his mirror. I got out my hair stuff. Very simple. A comb and rubberband and oh, my indian oil. 

''Would you please do my hair to?'' Ray asked me. I got up from the chair and told him to sit. ''I will do yours first. 

''I'm goignt to do your hair like  mines ok'' I told him. ''Fine with me'' he said.

I combed all his hair back, put some of my homemade indian oil in it.  ''Done'' I yelled. ''All you did was comb it back and its down'' He said confused. '' I know. When I was looking for one of your shirts i saw you had a Chicago Bulls shirt, just  like me. So we can go out matching today'' I said with a smile. ''You want to go out in public?'' he asked me. '' Well, a wise King once said you must face the world sometime'' I said. ''Letme guess, that wonderful King is you?'' He said kissing me. ''TeHe'' I said like a baby. ''I love it when you do that'' .

Damn, he had me melting. 

''I just still can't believe I almost lost you lastnight over a lie.'' He said pulling me closer to him til I fell on his lap. '' I don't know what I would do without that body, now that I got it back'' He said kissing me once again. '' Now go get dressed so we can over come the world'' He told me smacking my ass. Was he for real? I hope the hell so! 

I got dressed in all Chicago Bulls stuff. When I walked out the bathroom I saw he was to. 

''Lets go. I have 2 interviews lined up for the both of us. One is just a short one, the other a whole 2 hour  non stop. Is this OK with you?'' he asked me. ''Thats''

I needed to tell the world of the lie. I needed to clear my name.

''What interview  has the 2 hour thing?'' I asked with a smile.

''Hip Hop Mag''

Thats where Spiker's bestfriend works. 


Oh noooooooo! Whats gone happen? Spiker is always with his best bud! will they meet?

Are they a couple now?

Why is Ray flirting so much?

Why why WHY?

Comment :) 

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