Times have changed.

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Rays POV---------------

About 6 months past. Kay has been doing good. I've been asked to keep my past away from my present, which is hard for me to do. When I lay down at night all I can think about is the most perfect human ever. How I had her. How I foolishly lost her. I hate sleeping alone.

I see her everywhere. News, papers, you name it. I wonder how she is. Is she ok? How is she doing. Who is Spiker? After a year, I still don't know this ''Spiker person''. God, I miss her. I need her.

''Ray. Ray. RAY!'' Princeton yelled as she snapped his fingers in my face. ''Come on, get you stuff we have to work on a new song.'' he explained to me. I got my stuff and went into the studio. Everytime we go in here the first thing I think is What if MB has to work with her? Everytime I walk in reality knocks the hell out of me. I walk in to see jus the boys sitting around and Walter at the piano. 

Oh that piano, how she loved to play it. How her fingers moved gacefully over the keys like a god. She made it seem easy. I remeber asking her '' How do you do it''. She always said the same thing to me. '' Its easy, my heart dose it'' she would say showing off her perfect smile. Her eyes would light up like fireworks.

''Ok boys listen to this new song. it was sent by my friend Spike''

Spike? Could that be short for the name Spiker? Could- My thoughts were intruped my the music playing. It started with a soft piano and then a raspy male  voice sang. 

I did you wrong

Left you alone

But a part of you never left me.

It was followed by an also raspy female voice. She kind of repeated what the male said, but in her point of view.

You did me wrong

Left me alone

Eversince a part of me went missing. 

Then, right back to the male voice.

No words can say 

How I feel

And, the female came in once again.

No words are spoken 

For me to heal.

After it was over, I was in tears. Walter soon noticed me and began to speak.

''Very touching song.  Its about a girl who loved a boy but he did her 'wrong' if you get me, and now he wants her back, but the funny think is, even though she was done wrong, she wants him back. Lovely''. 

The moral of the story was realistic. I could really feel it. 

''Who was singing? I like their punk rock raspy voice'' Prince asked in a low tone. The song must have got to him to.

''My friend Spiker and his girlfriend.  They both are singers. His girlfriend wrote the song and the piano. She wasn't to confident so Spike sent it to me to review it. I was told to videochat them so they can see my reaction to it, but I opened it and listend anyway. I though it would be nice for yall to sing so I was going to ask permission to   own or cover the song'' Walter explained to us.

'' I HAVE to meet the amazing soul who wrote this'' Prodigy said in tears. Softy. 

Thats it. I knew it. Kay wrote the song. No doubt in my mind she wrote it. And she was dating, some dude named SPIKER? Emo? She wasn't in to Emo. She was more of.... Swaggie or something. Its hard to describe a perfect person.

''I can video call them if you want Prod. She is yall's age''  Walter spoke looking for his carmex . He needed it to.

He took out his Iphone and hit the facetime app. With every ring my thoughts got louder.

Will she pick up? Will Spiker be with her? Is it even her? 

Boom. It hit me.

She picked up alright, or was it her? I had to look at Walters Iphone TWICE. 

''Hey Walt Disney man how you doing?'' She said

''I'm Ok KayKay, ok?'' He said. They were making corny name jokes. Really? Really tho REALLY? REALLY? Anyway.....

''How's that tat doing?'' he asked her.

A Tattoo? She is not the kind of person to get a Tattoo, at ALL!

''It was hell bruh! What kinda question is that?''

''I dont know, just making convo girl.''

The door opened and she turned her head turend twords it. In walked a snake looking white dude. He was wearing all black, head to toe. His hair was slick down, also black, and his face pale. He had about 17 tattoos on him, well thats how many I could see. What would a person like Walter talk to someone like him? Better yet, why would my Anabana even look at him? Wait, she goes by her nick name KayKay now. She is so different now. When she turned her head, I noticed she cut her long hair. It went from past her but to her middle back. Who was she?

''Hey Spiker'' she said to the dude as the kissed

''Walter'' He yelled '' You got the song''

''Yeah man I got it. I was wonder if my boys could sing it. They really liked it.

''Well'' Spiker started. God i hated his voice. '' Its fine with me''.

''Ya hear that boys?'' Walter said turning the phone tword us. For the 1st time in about 2 years, I saw her face. She looked dead into my eyes.

''Mindless Behavior?'' She chuckled a little. I could tell it was from rage.

''Whats up?'' The rest of MB said. I couldn't take in the image of her like that.

'' I'm sorry but em. It is my song you know and um. I wanna sing it. you mind?'' She snaped

''I understand'' Walter said hanging up.

She was gone.

- Sidenote That piece of song, yes i wrote it.


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