Chapter 2

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---Dipper's POV---
I woke up from a dreamless sleep after Stan gave me the pills. The room was empty and quiet. I heard Mabel and Gruncle Stan talking downstairs. Probably eating breakfast. I didn't feel like talking or eating. I got out of bed and sat on the window sill leaning my head against the red stained glass. I brought my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around my knees. My stomach growled in protest when it smelt the food downstairs but, I didn't care. What's the point in eating? It just prolongs the enviable.
After a few minutes of staring off into space Mabel came barging in through the door.
"Oh, good you're already up! Come on downstairs and eat breakfast."
I looked at her with a bored and unamused look. I shook my head no. Her energetic persona seemed to dial down a bit,
"Alright, do you want me to bring you some food to eat instead?" I shook my head no but, my stomach growled again. Mabel was laughing about something but, I just focused my attention back towards looking out the window.

---Mabel's POV---
Dipper didn't want an food but, his stomach said otherwise. Is he slipping back to who he was a few years ago? Oh, please anything but that again. It took me so long to get him the way he was. He can't go back to being that person again. That lifeless, emotionless boy that only ate enough to keep him alive. That only focused on school and nothing else. That got bullied and beat up and did nothing to stop it. He can't go back to being that boy.
I left the room and went to go talk to Gruncle Stan.
"Hey...umm...Gruncle Stan." I was hesitant.
"Yes Pumpkin?" He looked concerned.
"Something's wrong with Dipper. It's not the fever or anything like that. It's well...when we were younger, Dipper would act like he didn't care if he lived or died. It took me two years to get him to finally show emotion. And he's acting like he was before and it's scaring me a little. Any way I just thought I'd tell you." Gruncle Stan wrapped me into a crushing hug. I hugged him right back. I needed this.
"Don't worry, Pumpkin. Dipper is probably recovering from his fever and whatever went down at your Sock Opera. I sure he's fine. Just give him time."
"Alright Gruncle Stan. Thank you. Is it alright if I go hang out with Candy and Grenda today?"
I left the Shack feeling better. Dipper's just recovering. He'll be fine.

---Dipper's POV---
I saw Mabel run out of the Shack. She looked happy. She'll always be happier without me. Self consciously I was rubbing my arm. My thumb touching all the scars. I miss the feel of the blade against my skin. I miss the marks it left on my skin. The marks and the pain remind me that I'm alive.
I sat at the window all day. Stan came in around lunch time and asked if I wanted anything. I simply stared out the window. I watched the sky change from a deep blue to a scarlet and crimson. Mabel came into viewing range and she skipped down the dirt road. Gruncle Stan knocked on the door and asked if I wanted to come down and eat dinner. I don't want food. I don't want anything. Leave me alone. Just leave me alone.
I watched Mabel come bustling into the Shack. I then heard her race up the steps and the door was slammed open.
"Hey Dipper! You'll never believe it! The greatest thing happened to me..."
She was still talking but, I stopped listening. Something touched my shoulder and turned me to face it. Mabel was staring me down.
"Dipper, I need you to come down stairs and eat something. Come on you can't fade away again. I just got you back."
I turned back to looking out the window.

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