Chapter 15

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---Dipper's POV---
When I woke up, I was incredibly confused and alarmed. Where am I? What is this place? Wait...who am I? What's my name? Why can't I remember my name? I could not remember anything. My mind began to itch, it's like I everything I knew was on the tip of my tongue, but I couldn't just remember what!

The door to the room suddenly creaked open. In walked a stunningly beautiful almost golden man. Cropped and styled blond hair, parted to the right and long enough to cover that side's eye. The eye that was visible was honey-colored. His outfit conveyed style and fashion. He seemed immensely pleased to see me and some part of me felt the same.

"Who are you!? What's going on!? Why can't I remember anything!? Do you know who I am? Can you--" I began asking and tried to get out of the bed to stand. My legs had difficulty carrying out this task however. Why? Why aren't they moving like I want them too? I started panicking. This is all too much. I don't understand anything and that scared me.

"Sheesh kid, relax! It's alright." He closed the distance between us and placed his hands on my shoulders to anchor me back onto the mattress, "Don't try to get up yet. You've been asleep for a while."

What? But why? I was right about to continue my line of questioning when the man eased me back onto the bed so I wasn't sitting up but fully reclined.

"You have a lot of questions and I have all the answers, so calm down a bit and I'll start answering them." The man said as he sat down in the chair beside the bed. It looked like it was from the desk across the room.

I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths. Now is not the time to panic, I counsel myself. 

"Alright, where to start," He heaved a sigh, "Your name is Mason. I like to call you Pine tree though," I felt a flare of emotions surge when he said that nickname but I let him continued talking, "You're thirteen years old by now because you were comatose for the remainder of the summer. You're in my mansion in the woods of the quaint town Gravity Falls," the man said with a bit of distaste, "My name is Bill Cipher and bear with me on this part 'cause your human brain might not easily believe what I'm about to tell you," He paused to gauge my reaction and when I nodded in affirmation, the man continued, "I'm a dreamscape demon."

"What?" I said out of reflex before it really set in, "WHAT!? What is a dreamscape? A demon?"

"Right you wouldn't remember that either." He muttered, "Okay, story time then. Each person has been gift with a mind of their very own. That is called the mindscape. When a human dreams, however; they enter the dreamscape. It's not a separate place from the mindscape, but more like a specifically labelled section. Think of it a country and all its individual territories, states, you do not leave the country when you travel to a different state. Are you following?"

No. Yes. How do I know these things he's saying but feel as though this is the first time I've heard of any of this? 

"I mean, kind of?"

"I'll take what I can get, continuing then. I am the being, the demon, of the dreamscape. I control, manipulate, and generally mess around within this plane of consciousness. I am very old and very powerful and have learned to extend my control to the other scapes but that's a different story. I can be summoned and contracted with which is how we met. You asked me to take away your memories, your past. That's why you don't remember anything. All the memories are sealed away in your mindscape."

"But why? Why did I want to forget everything?" I asked and I felt my eyes start to grow heavy.

Bill's face softened at my question, "You have a very sad, painful past. The memories haunted you day and night. You were slowing killing yourself because the trauma left you indifferent. I was contracted to help fix that." He noted my drowsy appearance and quietly laughed to himself, "Go to sleep, Pine tree. We'll talk more when you wake up again."

Bill rose and walked to the door but stopped short when I called out for him,

"Bill. Bill! The contract between us. What...what did you get in exchange?"

"Always a clever one, even if you can't remember anything." The blond smirked, "I asked for your company. Now, go to sleep and when you wake up, I'll have a grilled cheese sandwich and tomato soup ready for you."

For some reason, those words felt comforting and I slipped into my dreamscape.

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