Chapter 12

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---Mabel's POV---
My brother is gone. Bill took him. Bill Cipher who was taking care of Dipper. Took him away. Guilty. That's how I felt. Bill was right. I only wanted Dipper to get better because I had no one to vent to. I turned to look at Stan and his face revealed that he too felt guilty. What did Bill mean when he mentioned my parents?
"Gruncle Stan do you know what Bill meant by him not getting started with my parents?" I ask.
"No. I really don't."
"What are we going to do about Dipper and Bill?"
"I don't know." And then Gruncle Stan turned and left.
What am I going to do now?

---Bill's POV---
I was fuming when I teleported us away from Dipper's "family". And began walking through the forest to my mansion. Looking down at Dipper I calmed down instantly. He's so adorable and cute. He nestled closer to my chest. How is it that a puny little kid like him, can some how make my heart melt? I want to protect him from anymore harm. But how can I do that?  By taking away his memories? No. Those are his. Even if they are horrible. Even if they are cruel. Even if it tears him up on the inside. They made him kind. They could have made him want to hurt others. They could have twisted him into something rotten. But he chose to be kind instead. He only got this bad because he never told anyone. That's it! I'll have him talk to me about it! Isn't talking the best kind of medicine? How will I get him to open up to me though? Trust takes a long time to build.
"I guess it's a good thing I have all the time in the world." I smile and kiss Pine tree's forehead. I'll do anything for you, just to see you smile. I arrived at my mansion and walked down the hallway until I reached my room. Gently I laid him down on the bed. He began to squirm on the bed. His fever broke as I was walking us here. Though he still looked sickly. I have my work ahead of me. I placed my hand on his forehead and began chanting,
"corpus curare...corpus curare...corpus curare..." My blue flames burned around my hands and then slowly extinguished. The kid looked more peaceful now then before and his skin had some color back in it. I pulled the covers up and left the room. Hmm, what to do...what to do...I know! It's been awhile since I gave someone nightmares. And I know the perfect humans to give them too. It's time to meet the parents....

---Dipper's POV---*the next morning*
I was awake but, I felt so comfortable and relaxed I refused to open my eyes. Cause if I did then I'd have to deal with my reality. This bed feels so nice though. Wait, my bed is never this comfortable. Instantly my eyes shot open and I sat up abruptly. My head felt tingly and my vision went black for a moment. I hissed and squeezed my eyes shut.
"That's what happens when you get up too fast." A familiar voice called out. My head cleared and I felt better. Looking around I was indeed not in my room in the Mystery Shack.
"W-where am I?" I stutter my voice was hoarse and raspy.
"In my mansion in the woods. Though I suppose you want an explanation."
A man emerged from another room. He has sun kissed skin, incredible long legs, the sides of his head had shaved dyed brown hair except for the top which was blond and long enough to cover his right eye. He was wearing a sharp two tailed yellow suit and was carrying a tray of food.
"Who are you?" I ask. My voice scared me. It sounded empty and full of mace.
"The names Bill, kid. But you probably know me better in this form." He set the tray down next to the night stand and snapped his fingers. His form changed into the boy who looked around my age. Then realization clicked in. He's Bill Cipher! My eyes widened a bit then I sighed and went back to not caring. He snapped his fingers and reverted back to the guy that looked twenty-one years old. Of course. How could I be so stupid. So careless as to in danger Mabel and Stan's. I should have realized sooner. He's probably going to kill me and I'll probably let him. I rested my back against the pillows and head board and looked out the window on my left. If I die at least the pain will stop.
"Dipper, you have probably realized by now that I am Bill Cipher. And you probably already think that I'm going to kill you. I want you to know that I have no intentions what so ever to harm you. I want to help you. That's why I brought you here. I want you to get better so, I decided to take you away from the sources of your problems."
Then what is he doing here?
"Ouch kid. To think that I am willing to help you get better and you sit there and mindless mutter insults. I can't say that I am surprised. I did play a part in you becoming the person you are right now. Listen, Pi-Dipper, I want to apologize for all that I have done to you. It was not right and I don't expect forgiveness but, I truly am sorry. I also want you to understand that I want to help you get better but, to do that I've decided that you need to talk to me about what has happened to you. Whether you like it or not you need to tell someone about it otherwise it probably would have driven you insane." He laughed a little. I turned to look at him. His smile and gaze were taunting me to react and care about what he was saying. Bill was sorry. You could hear how apologetic he was by his voice. I want to forgive him. Maybe he'll leave me alone if I do? Then I can finally waste away.
"Hey, Dipper. I brought you some soup. I've healed your body from the virus but, that doesn't mean I fixed how malnourished you are."
I gazed out the window. It was different because the window wasn't tinted the one in my room. It was just a plain extravagant window. I smelt a spoonful of the soup being held out in front of my face.
"Dipper if you don't have a few spoonfuls of soup by your own account I'll have to force you and punish you later."
So much for trying to help me. I remained fixated on looking out the window.
"So be it." Bill grabbed my jaw and turned my head towards him but, I still gazed out the window. My jaw was already slack from lack of use and I didn't bother to resist against Bill. He opened my mouth and gently placed the spoon in. The liquid was warm flooded my mouth. It tasted like just the broth of chicken noodle soup. My favorite.
"Swallow." Bill instructed and I obeyed. He pulled out the spoon and let go of my jaw. Immediately I turned my head to look out the window.
"Pine tree you're being really difficult. You need to eat. Even if it's just a little. Isn't there a phrase that goes 'a little step goes a long way'. Well, he's your little step and it will go a long way. It will lengthen your life span." Bill once again grabbed my jaw and turned me towards him. I couldn't pull my gaze from the window.
"Oh! I just realized how I could make this a lot easier." He stood up and snapped his fingers. He was sitting on a chair in front of the window with the soup on a tray on his lap. This way I was facing the window and facing Bill at the same time.
"There we go. Pine tree open up!" He stared contently and cheerfully.
I dropped my mouth open as the spoon neared my face. Bill smiled at this. By the sixth spoonful I felt full and tired. The outside world had become cloudy and dark. Bill noticed I was getting sleep and asked if I had had enough soup. I simply nodded.
"Do you want to play a question for a question?"
I didn't respond because in my mind's eye, I had already left the room. I was sitting beneath the cloudy sky and breathing in the cold air.
"Kid, come on. These one sided conversations are killing me here. If you play the game with me I'll forget about your punishment." He bartered.
I was no longer in the clearing but, back into this room. Turning my head I faced Bill. He was flashing his signature predatory smile.
"All righty then! It's my turn to ask the first question. Hmmm...I know! Why are you so obsessed with looking out the window?"
I was silent for a minute then I began,
"It is how I have always viewed my life. Looking out a window. It's kind of poetic don't you think? For me to die looking out a window." Bill looked surprised. "Why are you trying to save me?"
"Simple! Because I can't let your parents and bullies win by letting you let yourself waste away. Sure it happened in the past but, I didn't know you then and I do now so, as long as I'm still here I won't let it happen anymore. When will you start to open up and trust me more?"
"I don't know." My voice sounded raw but, also sounded like the complete truth. "Why do you want me to trust you so badly?"
"So then you and I can talk without me having to threaten or play games with you. When was the last time you took a bath?"
I shrugged my shoulders.
"Well, were going to have to fix that." Bill threw off my blanket and scooped me up bridal style. He ran down the hallway with me bouncing in his arms. He came to a screeching halt and kicked open the door. He snapped his fingers and the tub was full of steamy hot water and...bubbles? Then he snapped his fingers again and I was wearing nothing but, swimming trunks. (Ha suffer you pervs if you thought it was going to end up like that)
Bill eased me into the tub. To my surprise he never said anything about my assortment of scars. I didn't want to focus on that so, I focused on the bubbles. He took off his coat and began rolling up his sleeves. I was half expecting Bill to leave and half expecting him not to. I was also half expecting him to freak out about my scars. What came next surprised me. Bill started scrubbing my hair and humming.
"Pine tree you still have your last question to ask."
"If I'm staying here with you, will I still get nightmares?"
He stopped scrubbing my hair for a moment and then slowly continued before speaking,
"Never again will I let you have another nightmare."
I know I'll sound weak for asking but, I have to be sure,
"I promise."
Soon I couldn't keep my eyes open and my head was falling. Bill laughs and he lifts me out of the tub and cocoons me in a fluffy towel. He lifts me up this time with me resting my head on his shoulders. I wrap my arms around his neck for stability. Before I knew it I drifted off to sleep before we could reach the bedroom.
---Bill's POV---
He's so precious! As he wrapped his arms around my neck. I tried my best during the time in the bathroom with him not to pester him about his scars. But I couldn't help it. I felt myself turn red with anger. His parents and other children did that to him! Cool it Cipher! The kid might notice.
I turn my head to see look at him and he has fallen asleep on my shoulder. Awwwwhaaha! He's so fucking cute. I tried to place him down on the bed but he would let go. Tugging softly he unlatched his little hands and succumbed to the softness of the bed. He was softly smiling in his sleep. And before I knew it my face stretched as well.
"Sleep well Pine tree."

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