Chapter 7

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---Dipper's POV---
For the first time in a while I woke up from a dreamless sleep. No nightmares. No dreams. Nothing. Glancing at the clock and to my surprise it read 7:28 AM. I haven't gotten this much sleep in months. It was complete bliss and I was sure Bill had something to do with it. I didn't care though. Gazing out at the endless forest I let my thoughts wonder. What is Bill really up to? Does he know I am cutting? Did he tell Mabel and Stan that I am cutting? Did he even see my forearm?
Closing my eyes I took a deep breath and looked up at the sky. Through the red stained window the sky's usual deep blue looked purple and there was a few clouds in the sky. The clouds looked like the sky had a ton of wounds. You and me both.
Getting up was hard. As I straightened up I heard a long line of popping noises emerge from my back and neck.
"Dear Lord Satan! Are you alright? What was that noise?" Bill's presence and comment irritated me. I glared at him and walked out of the room and into the bathroom. When I came back Bill was sitting on the window sill.
"Hey, ya Pine tree. I don't know how you can sit here all day. This is supper uncomfortable and somehow you managed to remain in this position for weeks now. The human body is so adaptable." He went back to looking out the window. Now where am I supposed to sit? His in my spot. And here I was hoping that I could spend the rest of the day alone.
I didn't know where to go where I could be by myself. So I went to the place that was secluded enough for me. The closet. A few minutes later Bill called out to me,
"Dipper come out of the closet. Come on. Tell you what. We can trade places. You get your window view back. And I'll go into the closet."
Slowly I reached for the handle and I came out of the closet. But before I could go back to my window Bill pushed me back into the closet. Trapping me with him in the closet as well. Great.
"Pine tree, I figured out how I could get you to talk to me. A question for a question. You ask me a question. I answer you with the truth and the best to my ability. Then I do the same to you."
The closet was too dark for me to see anything but, based off of where I could pinpoint his voice. He was standing a few inches in front of my. A question for a question, eh?
"Why not." Even without any light I could tell Bill was smirking.
"Where did you get all those scars from?"
"My parents and bullies. Why do you care so much about know where I got my scars from?"
"I don't know. Seeing them made me feel pain but, this pain wasn't hilarious.  It hurt me. Why did your parents do that to you?"
"Because they wanted me to be more like Mabel. Why are you here Bill Cipher?"
"I'm here because your sister made a deal with me. Why are you acting this way?"
"I don't know and I don't care. What are the specifics of the deal you and Mabel made?"
"Woah woah woah. You did not answer my question. If you want answers. Answer me first."
I groaned and let out a growl,
"I am acting this way because when I woke up from I nightmare I realized the truth. Now answer my question."
"Mabel came begging me to get you to start feeling and caring again so you don't get sent to a mental hospital. In exchange I wanted her to forget about our deal. What is the truth you've realized?"
"That I-"
"DIPPER!? Where are you!?" Mabel yelled. Palming around the darkness of the closet looking for the doorknob. I grabbed Bill's hand which was on the doorknob. We stayed like that for a while until Mabel started freaking out even more. The door swung open and we both fell to the floor.
"There you are! What were you two doing in the closet?" She wiggles her eyebrows. That's Mabel for you.
I got up and walked over to my window and stared out the window. Mabel and Bill were talking to each other but, I tuned them out. Slowly I fell asleep again.

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