Chapter 8

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---Mabel's POV---
When Dipper and Bill came out of the closet together I was relieved. I finally found them. Dipper instantly got up and walked over to the window sill after I made my comment. So I turned my attention to Bill.
"Bill, I don't know how you got him in there but, I'm glad. He's never left that spot at the window. When he did it was to go to the bathroom. Do you think you can get him to come down and eat? Lunch is in a few minutes."
"I can try. If it doesn't work I'll bring the food to him."
"Bill I don't know how you're doing this but, thank you. You've gotten Dipper to do little stuff but, that is a huge improvement. If you can get him to take one bite of food. Then your magical." I gave Bill a hug and left the room.
---Bill's POV---
After Mabel left I walked over to Dipper.
"Dipper you still haven't given me an answer. And you still have one question left." It was as if what happened in the closet didn't even happen. Dipper fell asleep in the few minutes I had with Mabel. Dipper's face was scrunched up in pain.
What are you dreaming about? I wish I co-Oh yeah. I'm a dream demon.
I placed my hand on Dipper's forehead and everything went black.

---thee nightmare---
Dipper was swatting on the ground his hands clutching his head. He was crying. All of his memories. The good ones I think. They were catching on fire and burning. They all burned away until they were nothing but ashes. Then I heard a female and male voice yell, "Dipper! Dipper! You pathetic creature. Come! It's time for another lesson!"
Dipper flinched and the mindscape changed. We were in a dark room with one window and one door. Dipper was changed to a post and was only wearing his underwear. He was crying even harder now. The door opened.
"Dipper why can't you be more like Mabel?"
"Why are you so weak?"
"Why are you so pathetic?"
"You don't deserve to live. You don't deserve anything."
Then a whip flew threw the air and before it could strike Dipper the mindscape changed again.
Dipper was in an empty classroom with three other boys.
"You're such a freak. The only person who probably loves you is your mom."
Under Dipper's breath he muttered out, "you're wrong." But the bullies seemed o have heard it.
"What'd you say to me?" The bullies looked at each other and nodded. Then Dipper was pinned down to the ground.
"I saw this in a movie once. They had the prisoner pinned to the floor with his hand extended. Guys hold his thumb out for me." The kid pulled out narrow and sharped sticks.
"Gag him. We can't have his screams bring anyone here." And so they did. The bully lodged all five sticks under Dipper's finger nails. When it was done they left and threatened to do it again if he ever told. Pine tree layer there for a while. Then sat up. Slowly he pulled the long sticks out. Crying silent tears. Once he was done he pulled out the gag. Got up and walked home. Blood dripping out of his hand. When he got home he got blood on the floor. His parents were furious and his mother whispered to him that he was going to have another lesson tonight. All the while Dipper just looked as if he didn't care. He went to the bathroom. Bandaged his hand. But, then he grabbed something else. Something else from the bathroom but, pocketed it before I could see it.
The ground started shaking. He's waking up. Then everything went white.
---end of thee nightmare---
"Dipper! Dipper! Are you alright?" Mabel asked shaking her brother. Tears were streaming down his face. My own cheeks felt wet too. How much pain has this one boy gone through? Does Mabel even know?
I dusted myself off as Dipper wiped away his tears with his sleeves. Then Dipper went back to looking out the window.
"Come on Mabel let's get Dipper something to eat. I don't think he's going to be coming down."
Mabel nodded her head and we left. When we were in the kitchen I asked quietly,
"Mabel do you know where Dipper got those scars from?"
"Oh, yeah. We go monster hunting and sometimes we don't get out unscathed." She rolls up her sleeve and there were scars of claw marks and some from what looked like branches. She didn't know. We finished making a sandwich for Dipper. Mabel gave it to me and I headed up stairs. How does Mabel not know? How can she not know? It's like she lives in a bubble of obliviousness. No, a bubble of her selfishness. She never wondered why Dipper came home limping, bleeding, wincing. Why their parents treated him so poorly. I know she got him out of it but, did she ever wonder what got him into it?
I opened the door and saw that Dipper wasn't in his room. Setting the food down I walked over to the bathroom. I opened the door quietly and looked in. Dipper was dragging a knife along his forearm.

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