Chapter 5

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---Dipper's POV---*nightmare*
I was running past all my favorite memories. The ones where Mabel and I bonded. The ones with Wendy and Soos. Even Gruncle Stan were in a few of them. No time to focus on that! You have to keep running!
I turned my head back to look over my shoulder and saw the darkness consume all my favorite memories. It was getting closer and closer to me. My adrenaline was slowing dying down and my lungs were screaming for air. Maybe if I just stop for five seconds to catch my breath. No!
It was too late though. My running soon turned into jogging. What's the point anymore?
I stopped jogging and closed my eyes as the darkness consumed me.
"You're so worthless Dipper! Why can't you be more like Mabel!? Mabel is out going and sweet. You, your nothing but, a weak an pathetic nerd!" My mother yelled at me. Then my father chimed in,
"Ease up on the boy. He already knows his place. He knows that he's the dog of the family there's no need to rub it in more." Mother scoffed.
"A dog would at least be more respectful towards us. He's lower than a dog. He's just...trash!" Mother took a swig from bottle of wine. Father simple shrugged and focused on the TV. 
They're right. I am weak and pathetic. I am beneath a dog. I am trash. Why can't I be more like Mabel? Maybe then my parents would hate me less.
The scenery changed.
I had just won the state science fair. My project was using green algae to purify water making it drinkable. The school decided to throw a party in celebration of me winning the State Science Fair. The mayor of the city was coming to my school to personally shake my hand. I was waiting on stage looking for my family members. They weren't here.
"Hey, Dipper it's time." My science teacher whispered to me. Nodding my head I walked over to the mayor. He and I held my trophy and we were shaking hands in front of it. People took photos and once it was done. I gave the trophy to my science teacher and walked home.
"Dipper!" My mother yelled and I winced, "Dipper where were you! Mabel's mini golf contest was today and she was looking for you. She took first place! So what's your excuse for not being there?"
"I am sorry Mother. I had some work to do at school. I promise it won't happen again."
Before Mother could do anything Mabel came rushing down the stairs.
"Dipper! Dipper guess what!"
"I took first place in the mini golf contest!"
"Mabel that's amazing."
I knew later tonight I was going to be punished.
---end of nightmare---
I was gasping for air as I woke up. The sound of the whip still ringing in my ears. The clock read 4:58 AM. My stomach growled. Who cares about food? It's just something that'll keep me alive longer. Who wants to live in a world this rotten?
I went over to my window and just looked at the woods.
---Mabel's POV---
"Uhh...nooo...I want to sleep..." I groan awake. I didn't bother talking to Dipper. Heading to the bathroom I heard Gruncle Stan on the phone.
"...Well, I just don't know what to do anymore!" He was yelling in a hushed voice, "If this keeps up any longer I'm going to send him to a place where people are trained to deal with this stuff." He was silent listening to the person on the other line.
"I don't care if you are his mother. This boy needs help and I am going to give it to him if he doesn't start getting better!" Gruncle Stan hanged up the phone and let out a loud sigh.
He was going to send Dipper to a mental hospital? What! No! He can't separate me from my other half! I need Dipper and Dipper needs me right now! I have to stop this. I have to get Dipper to feel again. To care again. But who can do that? I know! I race back into our room and pulled out Dipper's journal.
"Random page flip." I closed my eyes and flipped open the book. And there it was. The only option I had left. Why didn't I think of this sooner? I lectured myself. I gathered the supplies I needed and yelled to Gruncle Stan I'd be back in a bit.
I'm doing this for you Dipper. I'm going to make a deal with the only person who can help us.
Bill Cipher.
After running in the woods for a while I found a clearing and set up the candles in a circle and then drew a triangle with one eye out of my blood. It's felt like if you asked a goth to finger paint. Then chanted the Latin incantation.
"vocavi te. Dolores inferni circumdederunt. te mihi revelare. Bill Cipher!"
There was a blind white light. Then my surroundings turned monotone. Bill's echoey laugh filled the air and he appeared before me. What is it with this Dorito and his dramatic entrances?
"Oh, it feels good to be bac-" He stopped gloating when he saw me.
"Shooting Star why have you summoned me?" Bill questioned.
"I-I need you to get Dipper to start feeling again. To start caring. He's fallen back to his old self and I can't get him to snap out of it. Gruncle Stan can't take it anymore and is going to send Dipper to a mental hospital if he doesn't change. I can't loose Dipper. Not again. So, I want to make a deal with you."
Bill no longer looked amused.
"So what do you want me to do?"
"I want you to get Dipper to start feeling again. To start caring. In exchange I'll give you whatever you want."
Bill was silent. Then he spoke again.
"Alright. I'll do it. And in exchange I want you to forget about making this deal with me and trying to find a monster to help you."
Why? He could have asked for anything but, chose that.
"Alright. Deal."
We shook hands and everything went black.

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