Chapter 14

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---Bill's POV---
Dinner was grilled cheese and tomato soup. How can these two things together make such a delicious meal? The ingredients alone should be a put off!  Dipper stared at me with an amused look as I moaned and gushed over how delicious human food was. How on principle alone, these two things together should taste revolting. This only seemed to be incentive for Dipper to continue eating. Good. Once we were both done Dipper practically jumped out of his seat, nearly banging his knees against the table, and grabbed my hand dragging me towards his room. He's finally going to get better.

---Dipper's POV---

I led Bill to my bed and we both sat on the mattress. I sat up against the head board and latched onto one of my pillows. Bill sat at the end of the bed. At a comforting distance. He was neither too far away from me nor was he too close to me. It was exactly what I needed and I didn't even have to tell him, but back to the matter at hand. What if Bill won't like me anymore? What if this is all some joke to him? What if...what if he'll become one of them? What if he'll start treating me like one of them? What if I can't do this? What if he thinks I'm disgusting afterwards? What if he no longer wants to be my friend? What if... I took a deep breath, focus I want to trust Bill with the truth. He's proven that I can trust him. He's more than made up for his past mistakes. He has kept his promise about the nightmares. I will trust Bill. 

"W-where do I start?" I mumbled.

"Where ever you want, but before you do, I want you to know something. What ever you tell me will not change how I feel about you. How I look at you." He gave me a reassuring smile.

"How do you always know what to say?" It was annoying how he could read me so easily and make me feel instantly better. I don't deserve that. I minutely shook my head at the thought, hoping it would jostle out of my brain.

"I just say what I think I would want to hear if I was in your situation. Plus being a dream demon eons older than you helps." He said to lighten the terse mood.

I couldn't help the small laugh that escaped me. He sure doesn't act his age, but I think that's something I've come to like about him.

With a new found confidence, I nod to myself and I start to talk. It was a whisper. Slow and quiet. Small details, sometimes vague, about where I grew up. That whispering tone turned into a normal pitch. Less vague and open ended statements, focusing on my school life. Talking then turned into yelling. How everyone had treated me. Family. Friends. Classmates. I became a crying and screaming mess when I talked about the hidden room in my house. Each event that I described brought back the memories of how I felt. With each memory the scars that littered my body began to burn. I talked for hours and hours and the intensity of my memories and the pull of the scars made me want to stop. Stop talking. Stop feeling. Stop remembering. I wanted it all to stop. Yet, somehow my voice only grew louder.
"WHEN YOU TOOK OVER MY BODY! IT FELT LIKE BEFORE! I WAS ALONE, TRAPPED, AND NO ONE COULD SEEM TO HEAR ME! WHEN I MANAGED TO GET MABEL TO HELP ME, I, STILL HAD TO GIVE SOMETHING IN RETURN! I GIVE AND I GIVE AND I GIVE! WHEN IS IT MY TURN TO... to receive?" My voice quieted at this statement, " When is it my turn? I want someone else to be the one giving. I want someone else, not--not to suffer but help take my pain away, but that's a pipe dream.  After I got my body back I realized that," Dipper paused with a depressed sigh, "Why should I care anymore? It wasn't like I was need. I was just being used. I wanted to die because I didn't feel like living was worth all the effort. To live only to be so close to death. When I was with them if I survived then the next day would just be worse. And no one ever noticed that I was being treated that way. I WAS STUCK IN A LIVING HELL AND NO ONE CARED!" I was crying too much to continue. A scream ripped through my throat, I screamed over my agony, the injustice of it all, I screamed. It felt so good to get it all out. 

Bill closed the distance between the two of us, I was embraced in his strong arms. While he cradled and soothed me, he spoke softly into my ear,

"Thank you for trusting me with your memories." 

What does that mean? Then a searing pain made me loose consciousness. 


"Officials have stopped actively looking for a now thirteen year old boy. Mason "Dipper" Pines. After spending the whole summer searching for the boy, with the help of volunteers, the case has been left unsolved. The sheriff and state troopers have released a statement that the likelihood of the child being still alive was not considerable high. The towns folk of Gravity Falls send their best wishes to the Pines family and have promised to keep an eye out.

Coming up next, theories on the sudden earthquakes and gravity fluctuations!

"'M tellin' ya! It were all 'em aliens! Them cames here before. Them cames here again!"

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