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"Hi, I'm Mr.Hamilton!" Philip said, shaking the hand of a young woman, who was clearly a first-time Mom.

"Mrs.Brown," she said, "this is my daughter, Penny." She gestured to a small, red-headed girl who was clutching her pant leg.

Philip bent down and extended his hand for the girl to shake. "Hi, Penny, I'll be you're teacher this year."

The girl waved quickly and returned her hand to it's place holding onto her mom's jeans.

"She's a bit shy." Mrs.Brown explained.

Philip laughed. "Most tend to be." He chatted with Mrs.Brown for a minute and then pointed out several spots in the room for Penny and her Mom to check out before turning to the next parent and their child.

The introduction of Penny and her mom repeated itself several times within the orientation hour, just with different parents and children.

Orientation day for Kings Elementary School went on for an hour and a half, though most only came for the first hour. Though a few parents and children still mingled about the room, Philip sat down at his desk to rest his legs.

He immediately had to stand back up as another parent and child entered the room. A mom noticed this and giggled.

"Hi, I'm Mr.Hamilton!" Philip said, approaching a man and his daughter.

"I'm Katie!" The girl said, waving at Philip, who bent down to properly shake her hand.

"It's nice to meet you, Katie. Is this your first time in kindergarten?" Philip asked.

Katie giggled and nodded. "This is my Dad." She said, patting the man's leg.

Philip stood up and reached out a hand to the man, getting a good look at him for the first time.

He was tall, taller than Philip, and well muscled. His dark brown eyes matched his complexion nicely, and his black and curly hair was cut short. He was also wearing a suit. Philip wondered briefly if the suit was for work, or if he wanted to make a good impression.

"Katie is a bit outgoing." The man said as they shook hands, gesturing to his daughter, who had run off to say hello to the other children in the room. "I'm George Eacker."

"Kids her age are either super outgoing or super shy- there is no in between." Philip said.

George chuckled; a nice sound.

Another parent came in, a pair of twins with them.

"Well, the reading nook is over there, cubbies are against the wall, and kids are allowed to choose which desk they sit at; nametags to claim seats are on my desk." Philip said before hurry to the twins to introduce himself.

Philip noticed his heart was beating oddly fast as he made his way to the twins and their parent.

He wondered why it was doing that, and hoped he wasn't sick or anything.

Pheacker Teacher AU (because I can't think of a better title)Where stories live. Discover now