Philip and Katie and a conversation about her mom

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"Hey Katie, how was your weekend?" Philip asked her as she came skipping into his classroom. Her dad usually had to drop her off early, so once again she was the first one in his classroom.

"Great, my dad said he'd sign me up for soccer in the spring, so now I'm gonna be a soccer star and be in the NBA." Katie said as she dropped her bag down on her desk and began to rummage through it.

Philip decided against trying to correct her. "Cool, good luck with that kiddo. Anything else happen?"

Katie hummed, thinking for a moment "Uhhh, oh yeah! My mom's coming to visit next weekend."

"Oh- you don't seem that excited."

"Yeah, she's ok, but she's not as cool as my dad though. And she's gonna want to go do girly-girl things with me like going to the movies or making me take a bath, but I really just want to go play in the mud, but I bet she doesn't want to do that."

"Well, have you tried talking to her about this?"

"Yeah, but she just laughs and says I'm a 'handful', whatever that means."

Philip dropped down into a squat to be at eye-level with her. "I kinda get what you mean. When I was little, my Pops was really busy all the time, so I was a lot closer with my Dad. And when he did try to hang out with me, he didn't really know what I was into. So I get what you're trying to say. My best solution for you is to be patient with her, and try to find something you both like to do."

"Like what?" Katie asked, seeming a bit confused.

"How about coloring? Does she like to color?"

"I don't know, but I'll try that." She smiled at him and hugged him suprisingly tightly for a five-year-old, then ran off to great her friend who had just walked in the door.

Pheacker Teacher AU (because I can't think of a better title)Where stories live. Discover now