George and Katie and her mom (ft. Peggy)

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"Katie! Your mom's here!" Peggy called. George could hear her running footsteps upstairs as she went to greet her mother.

He sighed and leaned back in his office chair.

He heard the muffled collision of Katie running into her mother's arms, then cooing, likely about how big Katie had gotten since she'd last seen her.

He stood up and stretched, then entered the hallway. Alyssa, Katie's mom, stood with her arms around Katie. Peggy had closed the front door after her, and now stood awkwardly behind them as Alyssa did indeed coo about how big Katie had gotten.

"I bet you'll be as tall as your dad some day!" Alyssa told her, swaying back and forth with Katie still in her arms.

"Nuh-uh!" Katie argued, "I'm gonna be taller!"

"Taller!" Alyssa gasped, "your head will go through the ceiling!"

Katie giggled and squirmed out of her mom's arms. "I'm taking this to your room!" She said, lifting up Alyssa's purse that she had set on the floor and running upstairs to the guest room with it. Peggy picked up Alyssa's suitcase and followed her up the stairs.

"Thank you, darling!" Alyssa called after her. She turned and smiled brightly at George. "George!" She exclaimed "how are you?"

"I'm doing great. How's Italy?" He said as they embraced some what awkwardly.

"Oh, it's beautiful." Alyssa sighed "The landscape, the monuments, the churches-" she wiggled her eyebrows at George, "-the women."

George chucked. "I'm glad you're doing well, Alyssa."

She smiled again at him. "You too."

Pheacker Teacher AU (because I can't think of a better title)Where stories live. Discover now