Philip and the present

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The wrapping paper was nice.

Philip noticed this as he turned the present over in his hands, a cup of tea next to him on the counter.

Not only was it nice, it was wrapped nicely as well. As if whoever wrapped it had cared a lot about how the present was perceived.

Carefully, Philip undid the tape on each of the folded triangles, peeled them back, and undid the seam of the wrapping.

He took a sip of his tea before pulling the wrapping paper back to reveal the back cover of a book.

Philip pulled it out of the wrapping and turned it over in his hands.

"The Grimm brothers...." Philip muttered, flipping through the book of the original, more gruesome, fairy tales.

He opened the front cover to reveal a little note from George written on a small piece of paper, tucked inside.

'Happy holidays,
Call me.

Philip couldn't keep the grin off his face.

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