Katie and Philip

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[One Month Later]

"Is your Dad late again?" Philip asked. He had brought his students that got picked up outside to wait after school, and had had another teacher watch them while he spoke with the principal. Katie was the only one in his class left when he came back.

She nodded as he sat down next to her, and fiddled with the straps on her back pack. "He's always late." She mumbled. She collapsed against his side, defeated.

"Hey, hey," Philip said, patting her shoulder "don't give up yet, he'll probably be here any minute."

Philip checked his watch. "Come on, let's go call him." He said. Katie followed him into the building, looking ready to cry.

"If it makes you feel any better," Philip said as they waited for one of the office ladies to get off the office phone "my Pops was super busy when I was little. I spent a lot of time with my Moms or my Dad. Don't you spend time with your Mom?"

"I don't have a Mom." Katie said "well, I do, but she's not married to Dad anymore, and she only calls sometimes." She made a noise that sounded like she was trying not to cry, but failing. "How come you get a bunch of Moms and Dads, and I only get my Dad and my nanny?"

Philip bent down, and let Katie hug him. "I don't know, Katie, it just ended up that way. But that doesn't mean you're any less special because of how many parents you have."

The office lady ended her phone call and handed the phone to Philip. "Do you want to talk to him, or will I?" Philip asked.

Katie broke away from the hug and reached for the phone. Philip dialed George's number and handed it to her.

It rang for a few times before George picked up.

"You're late again." Katie said.

George said something.

"No, it's her day off, remember?"

George said something, and she handed the phone to Philip.

"Hey, I know this is super last minute, but could you watch Katie for a few hours? I've got some critical work I need to get done, and it's fine if you can't, I can find someone else-"

"It's fine." Philip interrupted "Don't worry, it's fine."

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