Peggy and Philip

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Today, it was Peggy who came and got Katie after school.

She had gotten her only a few times before, since George usually picked up his daughter, but it was still a nice surprise for Philip.

"Aunt Peggy!" He called when she stepped out of the car.

She grinned at him, in the way she used to, when he was little and she'd sneak him and Frances cookies after they weren't supposed to have any more.

Katie quickly hugged her leg then climbed into the car to escape the cold, while Peggy and Philip talked.

"Look at you!" Peggy cooed, sweeping Philip up into a bone-crushing hug "I barely see you anymore! I know you're an adult, but I swear you've gotten a bit taller!"

Philip laughed as she let him go. "I wish; unfortunately I'll always be about average height."

Peggy smiled. "Despite your height, has anyone caught your interest recently? Someone tall, perhaps?"

Ah, so that was why she had been smiling like that.

Philip sighed. Yet another adult curious about his practically non-existent love life. "That's none of your business." He told her.

"Oh, come on!" Peggy exclaimed "I'm your aunt! I'm the one you tell this kind of stuff to instead of your parents!"

"That doesn't mean I have to tell you."

"Yeah, but you should. Can I at least get a first initial?"

"I'm not interested in anyone right now, actually."

"Really? No one makes your heart beat faster, or makes you smile for no reason? No one makes you laugh too much, makes you blush too much?" Peggy asked, grinning again.

"No, no one does that . . . .except. . . .don't- don't you have a kid to look after?!" Philip said, blushing furiously.

"Oh! I do!" Peggy exclaimed, turning towards her car "Good luck, Pip!"

"Oh- just-" Philip struggled for words, his whole face red.

"Have a nice night!" Peggy called back.

Philip would have flipped her off if they weren't in a school zone.

Pheacker Teacher AU (because I can't think of a better title)Where stories live. Discover now